In 2021-22 Staffordshire Police recorded 3,470 Stalking incidents (a 3% increase on the previous year) of which 91% (total of 3,140) were flagged as being domestic. Harassment offences accounted around 1 in every 50 domestic abuse crimes committed.
Violence Against Women and Girls
Recent government research evidenced that girls do not feel safe at school or in other educational establishments, and many women and girls in the UK have experienced verbal abuse, intimidation, and sexual harassment in public spaces. In order to understand more about Violence Against Women & Girls improvements are being made on the reporting and recording of these violent offences as they fall into a wider range of offences rather than domestic violence. This wider range of non-domestic abuse related violence includes violent crimes (malicious communications, harassment, assault, stalking, more serious violence), sexual offences (serious sexual offences, rape, other sexual offences) and public order offences.
This category of recording will allow for comparisons over time.
The MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) reviews the high risk, repeat victims of domestic violence working in partnership to support and protect victims of domestic abuse by offering target hardening measures to property and person; offering them support through “New Era” the Service Provider for victims in Staffordshire (through legal processes, providing options for themselves and their families, awareness and confidence building training, counselling, signposting to other support); offering them emergency accommodation through South Staffordshire Council or via Staffordshire Women’s Aid for victims who may be homeless due to domestic abuse; offering them wrap around support for victims and their children through Children’s Services; offering them support with managed house moves through their Registered Social Landlord and suggesting perpetrators engage with the New Era Perpetrator Programme. The Multi Agency Vulnerability Hub works closely with partners in South Staffordshire to ensure vulnerable residents are supported and engage in a process of becoming independent. Victims of Domestic Abuse are also discussed if required to ensure the appropriate support is in place. Again, tackling serious violence will be addressed through the police-led Tactical Priorities Group, which is a partnership group discussing and addressing all crime types in the district.
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