Hodges Nursing Brochure

To Get There. Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and lab work has prepared you To Get There for the next level of your experience. It’s now that you and your classmates will rely on each other for support, encouragement, and maybe a little friendly competition. Your nursing professors bring real- world experience to your state-of-the-art nursing skills lab and hospital simulation suite. Both labs include modern equipment and “patients” so you can master the skills required to be a successful nurse. Your classes range from pharmacology, You’ve completed your pre-requisites and have been accepted into the BSN program. All the knowledge health assessments and nursing leadership. During your journey, your nursing professors will share their passion for nursing, practical experience and knowledge for your benefit - every step of the way. Start Here. Associate in Arts in Health Sciences Your pathway to becoming a nurse Starts Here by completing 60 credit hours of health science classes and labs, and general education classes. As you near completion of these classes and labs, and have a cumulative 2.75 GPA in all pre-nursing core classes or higher and a grade of “C” or better in all courses, and a composite score of 65 or higher in the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam, it’s time to complete your application for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Admission to the nursing program is very competitive. Our professors are experts in the health sciences field and will bring your studies alive with practical experience as you learn about subjects ranging from biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology to nutrition. Your general education courses are available to you in a blended format and are taught by professors with a passion for your success.

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