King's Business - 1944-04


April, 1944

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tle of the Reformation, is a gripping narrative. The reader sees a man counting not his own life dear for the defense of what he believes. It is a book of courage. 149 pages. Zonder­ van Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich; Cloth. Price $1.00. Special Days in the Church School By Louise Miller Novotny Here are programs, dramas, play­ lets, talks, readings,' recitations, etc., appropriate to sixty-one special oc- \Continued on Page 157] èffe Üanci ot (Soil

brief: some occupy less-than a page; they aré practical in their approach; they possess homiletical qualities that make them especially attractive to pastors and teachers. 160 pages. Zon­ dervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $2.40. Shadows Under the Midnight Sun By Ken Anderson In this gripping story of Nazi oc­ cupation in Norway, the comfort ana sustaining power of prayer and the Word of God are .shown in the .lives of Christians. The shock of invasion, the horror of Gestapo rule, the cruelty of machine-gunning and mass burial of innocent victims—these are set forth against the background of true young love, o f ' quiet fortitude, and faith in God. Here are suspense, ac­ tion, humor, trageijy, triumph — all with a Christian message. 247 pages. Zondervan PUb. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. How the serious-minded peasant lad with an inextinguishable thirst for learning, a love for music, and a deeply spiritual nature, became Dr. Martin Luther, the scholar, the Bible translator, hymn-writer, teacher, and preacher, is in itself a very human story. But how an intense interest in his own soul’s welfare led to a re­ discovery of the doctrine of justifica­ tion by faith, and how this, with all his natural qualifications harnessed to a great cause, made him the apos­ Martin Luther By Basil Miller

Windows that,Let in the Light By Dallas C. Baer “Why speakest thou in parables?” asked Christ’s discinles. Tbe’ v “ eiied iorm o f teaching did*have the effect of perplexing some who had no dis­ cernment, but for the honest seeker after truth, the parable is ever the pictorial means of letting in the light on the problem involved. This book treats of eleven representative para­ bles of our Lord: their setting, their direct lesson, their spiritual signifi­ cance, their personal application, with a strong appeal to make the mes­ sage of the parables lived in huipan lives today. . 132 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. More than Conqueror By Grace Livingston Hill A new book by Grace Livingston Hill is greeted with favor by many readers. This one concerns Private Charles Montgomery and his affec­ tion for a girl of an entirely differ­ ent social position from his own. There are tense moments, like , the' one when the young soldier volun­ teered for a mission that was almost sure to caus,e his death. For the world of today, here is a Christ-hohoring message. 256 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . A Popular History of Christian Education By Cla H. Be Beginning with the Jewish people— those masters of child training in the pre-Christian era — the author pre­ sents men and methods in the early church, in the Dark Ages, the Renais­ sance and Reformation, and in the present day, all bearing on Christian Education’s development. The book is more than a history. It is a challeng­ ing and inspiring study that every Christian parent and teacher should peruse. 355 p a g e s . Moody Press, Chicago 10, 111. Cloth. Price $2.00. In this helpful little volume, a be­ loved British writer has “ put in brief and direct form some significant and useful lessons plucked from the heart of each Psalm.” Only one phrase or sentence from each Psalm is treated, but the result is a group of 150 choice meditations. The selections are The Wayfarer's Psalter By John MacBeath

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Open A ir Meeting in New York with Mr. Aston Speaking THE DIVINE IMPERATIVE "Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt. 10:6). Our Society, founded In 1908 by the late sainted Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers, is bearing a fruit­ ful ministry among the 2,500,000. Jews in New York City. Its expanding work calls for urgently needed additional missionaries. The manifold activities of our Society include the care' of the sick and of Hebrew- Ghristian refugees. In Europe thousands of Jewish children are dying of disease and starvation. W e need your cooperation by gift and''prayer. In this Israel s tragic hour let us do our Christian duty./ Read of the progress of the work in our monthly "Jewish Missionary Magazine." Subscription $1.00 per year. Sample copy 10 cents. ^NjEW.;--VaR lf£»ewTSH TÇVÂ'.NjGÉLf2AT:rO'l^iÄO:CAE.TY ¿m*'Rey.- Frederick À.. ¡Vector ' /. "V ,; f 56'Sécon^yA venue, .Ne.w: Yqrk.-Ñ.'-Y. % ; ; • 7 ■

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