King's Business - 1944-04

Christian Endeavor

MAY 7, 1944 B E IN G CH R IS T IAN W H E R E Y O U AR E T it u s 2:6-15 A Symposium The Scripture and topic for this Sunday (Vocation’s Day) hold an 'ar­ resting challenge to the Christian Endeavor member. We are digressing from our usual method of present­ ing the suggestions of one writer, and we are inviting you to a sympo­ sium. The' contributors to this discus­ sion are men and ' women who are “ being Christians where [they] are.” For Those Who Have Topics I. BE SINGLE-MINDED FOR THE LORD (Jas. 1:8). Arnold Grunigen, Jr., for twenty-six years investment b a n k e r of San Francisco, Calif., relates one of his experiences as follows: “When I was comparatively new in the Lord’s Service, I went to New York for a meeting of the Bankers’ Association. I was also invited to speak at ti^ Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The Christian B u s i n e s s Men’s Committee of Wall Street sent out .two hundred postal cards an­ nouncing my meeting. Those cards surely put a tag on me among the bankers! I just had to stand before all that business Crowd, and let them know Christ was first in my life! I needed that shove, and I have been happier ever since.” >v-; ■ . X" ■ ■ II. BE DEPENDENT U P O N THE LORD (Isa. 41:10). Vaughn Shoemaker, who has been . Chief Cartoonist on the Chicago Daily

News staff for nineteen years, makes this comment: “I became a Christian when I was twenty-five. Not having the natural qualifications to make a success of my profession, I realized that I had to have God’s help. I got down on my knees in that office, [the Chicago Daily News office] beside my draw­ ing board, every morning before I started work. I still do that, every

day of my life. I wouldn’t dream of beginning to work without saying, ‘God, whatever talent I have, You’ve given me and developed in me. Take it and use it. Guide my hand.’ ” —The Christian Herald. III. BE FAITHFUL TO THE LORD (Rev. 2:10). Lois Uhlinger, U. S. Cadet Nurse Corps, makes the following contribu­ tion:'

May 7. 1944—A SYMPOSIUM

Invited to discuss the subject “ Being Christian Where You Are,” the following speak from a wide Christian expert- ence: Arnold Grunigen, Jr., Vaughn Shoemaker, Lois Uh­ linger, Captain Robert B. Thieme, and a Machinist’s Mate of the Navy.


Mrs. Brown (Biola ’42) and her husband, Jack Brown, are missionaries in Stay, Kentucky, under the Kentucky Moun­ tain Mission Board. Special emphasis is placed upon young people’s Bible classes, choirs, and recreational groups.

May 21, 1944—DORIS C. ALDRICH

Mrs. Aldrich (Biola ’30) is the wife of Willard M. Ald- rich, president of the Multnomah School of the Bible, Port­ land, Ore., and editor of the Doorstep Evangel, for which she writes the “Mixing Bowl.”

May 28, 1944—JOHN A. HUBBARD

Dr. Hubbard is head of the English Bible Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. He began Christian serv- vice in 1900 as an evangelist and pastor. For thirty-five years, he has been teaching Bible in interdenominational schools, and twenty-three years of this time have been spent at Biola.

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