King's Business - 1944-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

AlULTNOMAH H R Schoo l o f the l Y I B I B L E A fast growing Bible school ideally located in the great Northwest. Capable, devoted faculty; enthusiastic student body. A Bible- Centered curriculum—fully accredited. Tui­ tion FREE, expenses low. “ Built With Prayer" ~ W rite for Catalog and particulars Interesting tract, “ The Sin of Trying to Be Good“ sent Free to all inquirers. Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President B. B. Sutcliffe, D. D. John G. Mitchell. D, D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice-President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 1.2, Ore. A real s e n s e of “ togetherness” strengthens family ties. We come to know one another better and to ap­ preciate each other more by work­ ing together. Do we always have to^ go out with the gang in order to have fun? Why not organize family doings and see how much fun they can be? III. THE REWARD. A satisfying feeling of security is one reward of strong family ties. “I belong to them, they belong to me. Gome what may, we have each other.” A real Christian home is a w it­ ness to the world. Would it not be worth a little conscious effort to de­ velop, the type of home to which one’s friends would delight to come, and in which they would be con­ scious of the Lord’s presence? MAY 28, 1944 ^THE H O L Y SPIR IT , YESTER ­ D A Y A N D T O D A Y A cts 2:1-4; R omans 8:5-14 By John’ A. Hubbard Next to an understanding of the teachings of the Bible concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, there is probably nothing more i m p o r t a n t than -a knowledge of what the Word of God teaches concerning the Holy Spirit. There seems to be no phase of the Christian life that is not vitally re­ lated to the Spirit. For Those Who Have Topics 1 THE PERSONALITY OF T H E HOLY SPIRIT. We must understand that the Holy Spirit is a Person, not a mere im­ personal influence. He is just as real­ ly a Person as the Father and the Son are Persons. 1. Personal pronouns are constant­ ly used in speaking of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7-15).

For Those Who Have Topics

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I. THE NEED. Pick up the average newspaper or magazine, and does not there appear a great need for real homes and fam­ ily ties? Ralph Ojemann -of Chicago, national chairman of the standing committee on education for the Na­ tional Congress of P a r e n t s and Teachers, told the Minnesota Con­ gress of Parents and Teachers that “ good homes are still the best rem­ edy for juvenile delinquency.” This conviction is being e m p h a s i z e d throughout the country. The North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church heard concern expressed over the h u n d r e d s of “swing-shift parents” and “ latch-key children” brought about by war in­ dustries (Protestant Voice, Nov. 5, 1943). The papers are full of sad il­ lustrations of the above quotations. [Leader, clip a few and have them handy.] II. THE MEANS. We speak of, a„ poised, happy indi­ vidual as one who has an integrated personality. That means that his life is centered around something—he is not “ at ipose ends.” A family n e e d s a center from which the ties spring forth and to which they bind the members. In some homes, money seems to be that around which all interest cen­ ters, but money is unstable and often disappears. What about Mother? Undoubtedly she is a center, but she, herself, needs something compelling. The only sat­ isfying answer is God. Homes that are built around the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ are homes that are centered. Anything that strengthens our family fellowship in the Lord, strengthens family ties. Perhaps you are saying, “ But all my family are not Christians and there is not-that tie.” Believing pray­ er and a life o f real joy in the Lord on your part can lead others to Him. Expression of love in the home is a greatly overlooked family tie. Here comes Dad up the driveway, tired after a long day’s work. It is not easy to carry the burden of a family, and sometimes it must seem a thankless job. (Oh yes, he gets a new tie every Father’s Day and a new tie every Christmas.) But it would not hurt to say, “Dad, that was grand of you to get me that new bike. I know it didn’t come easy.” He will probably answer, “ Forget it, son, I was glad to.” But his heart w ill be warm, and yours will be, toe, and a family tie w ill be strengthened.

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Returnable sample copies w ill be furnished Free! (1) Catalog of sound religious books?or (2) of Sunday School papers and quarterlies. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa.

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