King's Business - 1944-04

April, 1944


2. The Spirit speaks to and directs people (Acts 8:29; 10:19, 20; 13:2). 3. The Holy Spirit can be grieved (Eph. 4:30), which is not true of an Impersonal influence. II. THE W O R K OF THE H O L Y SPIRIT. 1. He convicts of sin (John 16:8, 9), which is the initial step in a per­ son’s becoming a Christian. 2. When a person responds to this conviction and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, he is “ born of the Spirit” (John 3:6, 8). Without this new birth no one ever can see or enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:3, 5). 3. Having been born again, we need to be taught spiritual truths from the Word of God. The Holy Spirit has come to do this (John 14: 26; 16:13). Without the Spirit’s illu­ mination, spiritual truths cannot pos­ sibly be understood (1 Cor. 2:9-12). 4. One of the most blessed and glorious phases of the work of the Holy Spirit is that of glorifying the Lord Jesus (John 16:14). The Spirit makes Christ real to us, and leads us into a heart knowledge of Him. It is now possible through the il­ lumination of the Holy Spirit, for believers to know the Lord Jesus in a fuller, more intimate, more blessed way than was possible for those who were associated with Him while He was on earth. 5. As we are occupied with our glo­ rified Lord, the Holy Spirit transforms us into His likeness (2 Cor. 3:18). 6. Teachers and preachers are con­ stantly. urging us to pray. Every born-again p e r s o n realizes some­ thing of the necessity of this, and has a desire to pray. He also feels his helplessness to pray aright. At this vital point, the Holy Spirit comes to our aid (Rom. 8:26, 27). 7. The Holy Spirit gives victory over known sin. Thi. solution to this vital problem is found in the opera­ tion of the Holy Spirit. “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2). When we cease bur vain struggling and allow the Holy Spirit to work, He sets us free. 8. The Holy Spirit bears the nine graces that go to make up His fruit (Gal. 5:22, 23). These graces are His fruit, not the result of our efforts. 9. Power for witnessing, and for all forms of Christian service is given by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). The disciples were strictly charged not to begin their work until they were endued with the power of the Spirit (Acts 1:4), for our Lord well knew that without this, their words and work would be utterly futile. What

was true then is true today. If Chris­ tian Endeavor work is carried on without His power, it, is barren of spiritual results. III. WHO HAS THE HOLY SPIRIT? 1. Every born-again person has the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; Gal. 4:6; 1 Cor. 6:19). There is no need for a real Christian to pray, agonize, or “tarry” in order to receive the Holy Spirit. 2. While all believers are indwelt by the Spirit, not all are filled. Ephe­ sians 5:18 is a command that we be filled. Conclusion The believer’s relation to the Spirit may be summed up in these words: “Grfeve not the Holy Spirit” (Eph. 4:30). “Quench not the Spirit” (1 Thess. 5:19). “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). “Walk in the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16).

earn a degree m j calendar years, w iae range o f subjects, strong faculty, high scholastic rating, and stimulating Chris* tian fellowship. Inter-Session June 12*23. Missionary Conference June 13*16.Two 4-week Sum* t mer terms start June 24and July 22. W rit« for fro« bulletin—Address Enock C. Dyrness, Director Box KS-44

B e s t W i s h e s from W . A . B R O W N

A P .T .L . w o rk e r ( retu rn ed C hinese m ission a ry w ho was b om b ed and m a ch in e gu n n ed by Jap a ir - planes) addressing a C hapel service a t C am p B la n d - in g. In s e t: A ty p ica l even in g m e e tin g in a recrea ­ tio n h a ll a t a S o u th e rn carpp.

“Sir, I’mSoAshamed!” O N his way to visit a Southern Camp, a P.T.L. field secretary was asked by two soldiers for a lift to the camp. On entering the car, one of them said: ^ “We have a buddy in a house down the street. He’s a good fellow, but he got drunk last n ight for the first time. Would you mind takin g him along, too?” So the car stopped at the designated house. Presently the two soldiers carried ' out the third. He was completely drunk. On the way, the intoxicated man did as such men usually do— all over the back of the car. It was a mess. How­ ever, his companions carried him into the barracks, and managed to get him to bed without detection.

some young soldier accosted the speaker: “ Sir, will you forgive me? I’m perfectly willing to pay for any damage I have done.” “Why, what do you mean, son? I don’t understand.” “Don’t you remember, sir? I ’m the fel­ low you brought in drunk a few nights ago. I come from a good home. I was never drunk before. Sir, I’m so ashamed; and I hope you will forgive me!” The young man was soon shown he faced an offense in the sight of God — not man. Then, on his knees, he poured out his confession of his sin, and arose a happy new creature in Christ Jesus. Since 1916, when our N ew Y ork Head­ quarters were opened at the present address, we have distributed hundreds of thousands o f P .T .L . Testaments to the armed forces • O ur field workers are leading hundreds of service m en to C hrist-, W rite fo r free illus­ trated quarterly to D ept . « K-444

A few days later, a special open air bivouac meeting was arranged, with six or seven hundred men present. The Secretary spoke, and many of the men 4 accepted Christ. At the close, a hand-

Address a ll com m u n ica tion s to

nflTIOnflL 41 €flDQUflRT€RS, /Jg'filfTtl flV€HU€, n£UJ YORK /O.Ü.V.

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