King's Business - 1944-04

April, 1944


5. J God Honors Confidence “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name . . . Who forgiveth all thine in­ iquities; who healeth all thy dis­ eases” (Psa. 103:1, 3). In the experience of sickness, the attitude of humble resignation is one which God can bless. Sickness has come. God has not caused it, but He has permitted it; and if we accept it, are resigned to it in the sense that we do not rebel against it, then God can work in our behalf, can help and heair can overrule and bless, can make the-soul more holy and stead­ fast, and can bring glory to His own name.—Newman Watts. Christ Our Guide “The Lord shall guide thee con­ tinually” (Isa. 58:11). In this day of war and guilt, many w ill become discouraged; possibly pessimistic. God’s cure for your discouragement and mine is: Lift up your drooping eyes and "look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” There is opportunity in your calamity and crisis and emergency of life. Stay close to the Christ; accept His guidance, and He shall point the way.—A. J. Burrell. The Price of Power “They forsook all, and followed him” (Lk. 5:11). “ And with great power gave the apostles witness” (Acts 4:33). ; The law of God is unchangeable: as on earth, so in our traffic with heaven, we get only as we give. Un­ less we are willing to pay the price, and sacrifice time and attention and what appear legitimate or necessary duties, for the sake of the heavenly gifts, we need not look for a large ex­ perience of the power of the heavenly world in our. work.—Andrew Murray. 8. The Best People “ For whatsoever things were writ­ ten aforetime were written for our learning” (Rom. 15:4). Read the Bible, and it brings you into the association of the best people that ever lived. You stand beside Moses and learn his meekness; beside Job, and learn his patience; beside Abraham, and learn his faith; beside Daniel, and learn his courage to do right; beside Paul, and catch some­ thing of his enthusiasm; beside Christ, and you feel His love. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Easter Hymn “But now is Christ risen from the dead” (1 Cor. 15:201. “yeath is swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:54). 6. 7-

In the bonds of death He lay, Who for our offense was slain; But the Lord is risen today, Christ has brought us life again. Wherefore let us aU rejoice, Singing loud with cheerful voice: Hallelujah! Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, Came at last our foe to smite; A ll our sins away hath done, Done away Death’s power and might; Only, the form of Death is left, Of his sting he is bereft: Hallelujah! The rightful Paschal Lamb is He, On whom alone we all must live, Who*to death upon the tree Himself in wondrous love did give; Faith strikes His blood upon the door: Death sees, and dares not harm us more: Hallelujah! —Martin Luther. 10. All for Good “And we knew that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called ac­ cording to-his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). For us, His children, God turns even adversity to our account. For blind George Matheson, He transformed the thorn into a flower. Sorrow was crowned with a deep, mellowed joy. He triumphed in his Lord, for he learned the radiance of the glorioils afterglow that followed many a dark, cloudy sunset in his life.

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