King's Business - 1944-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


PLAN NOW to Spend Next Summer’s Vacation with some of America’s Greatest Theological Teachers. Winona Lake School of Theology, Winona Lake, Indiana For Ministers, , Teachers, Missionaries, Sunday School Workers, and .laymen. .Eighteen States; Several Foreign Countries, Twenty Denomina­ tions in 1943 Session. THOROUGH, EVANGELICAL, REGULAR DEGREES Two semesters of 15 days each, June 28—Aug. 3. For Prospectus, send to President, Dr. J. A. Huffman, Upland, Ind. 50 Free Rooms YOU WANT THE BEST IN VISUAL AIDS

The King in His beauty makes all things.contribute to our welfare. Ad­ versity comes encased in His love, aind can only work our weal. —George J. Lapp. Spiritual Refreshment “The soul of all the people was grieved . , . but David encouraged himself in the Lord h'is God” (1 Sam. 30:6). David refused . to be discouraged over circumstances. God was his ref- uge in his dire need and distress, and in the face of distrust, disapproval, and “excommunication” from the ranks with which he wished to fight, and in spite of desperate loss and family tragedy, he “encouraged him­ self in the Lord.” David was remind­ ed, most probably, of God’s promises to him personally as well as those given in general terms; his faith act­ ed Upon them, and he was saved from disaster.—Pameii. 12. The Strength of Submission “I am crucified with Christ . . . Christ liveth in me” (Gal. 2:20). “He saved others; himself he cannot save” (Matt. 27:42). O strong Son of God, reveal Thine arm in me, as well as to me. Make me strong to bear the cross, to despise the shame, to endure contradiction against myself, to prefer the narrow path of duty to the kingdoms of the world and their glory. Make me strong to trample self under my feet, to surrender my will to Thy will, to yield lip my spirit to the crucifying hand of love.—George Matheson. 13. Looking Forward “As for me, I w ill behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness” (Psa 17:15). One look into the blessed face of the Saviour will erase ’ from your memory every trace of the homesick­ ness which so often crept into your heart during your earthly sojourn. So let Him keep you rejoicing until that eternal day when we shall know as we are known, and shall see Him face to face.— Grace and Truth. 14. Beholding Christ “Woe i$ me! for I am undone . . . mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (Isa. 6:5). Who told Isaiah that he was a man of unclean lips? Had he not been powerfully preaching to those around him concerning repentance and the forgiveness of sins? Yes. But when he caught only a glimpse of the infinite purity of Christ, his first thought was about his own unclean­ ness. To get really a better view of Christ does not tend to engender pride nor boastfulness, but on the contrary. 11.

A new movable, realistic, picture method of» tell­ ing Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at the results. Children want to learn and thej^ clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths.. You w ill double your attendance. Write for free ‘ fplder telling all about this new method of teaching to—


O. Box 145, Pasadena, Calif.

tytevi‘Vaeatùm‘SiéCeScAaat When your 1944 Daily Vacation Bible School is ready to start you will want to have your plans complete to the last detail— everything ready to go! N OW , then, is the time to lay those plans. Thousards o f DVBS leaders have formed the habit of being' ready early by adopting the MM , i MM SUPERIOR ScutuH&t School Senie& of Da ily Vacation Bible School Lessons Every hour o f every day is programmed in detail, yet the “ SUPERIOR” Series is flexible enough to permit changes to suit, individual ideas* A blessing to the untrained; a welcome aid to the trained* Designed by DVBS experts under Editor-In-Chief Clarence H. Benson, and based solidly on the Bible* Prices are rea­ sonable; Teachers manuals, 25c each; pupils1work books, 12ceach* Users of the SUPERIOR Series will be delighted with the 1944 units* Departmental subjects: Beginners (5 and under)—first week, “ I he Son Whom God Sent,” second week, “ The Children Whom God Owns” ; Primary (6-8) — “ The Shepherd Psalm” ; Junicjr (9 11)— “ Paul s Missionary journeys” ; Intermediates «12 and u p )— “ Missionary Pioneers in Many Lands.” Separate manuals for each department. » Meet the 1944 Cha llenge ! This summer will produce another challenge to DVBS leaders and teachers to reach boys and girls with the Word of God. Since 25% to 50% of DVBS pupils frequently do not attend Sunday School regularly, these summer contacts can lead to increased Sunday School enrollment. Mail Coupon * THE SCRIPTURE! PRESS . Inc. • for 1944 FREE . 80° N. U.arKSt., Chicago 10 , .U Prospectus Please send me FREE Prospectus o f the Superior oummer 9 School Senes fo r D VBS which includes sample lesson • for each department.

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The SCRIPTURE PRESS, Inc. • Dept. KB-44S 800 N. Clark St. C H I C A G O , I L L I N O I S

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