King's Business - 1944-04


April, 1944

the textbook and the Holy Spirit as the great Teacher. 166 pages. Intermediate Sunday School Wofk. By Mary Virginia Lee. The Sunday morhing departmental session, week­ day meetings, helpful factors, and the workers’...responsibility ar.e discussed. 159 pages. Young People's Department of tho Sunday School. By William P. Phil­ lips. Stressing the value of depart­ mental activity, the book offers prac-. tical suggestions. 140 pages. Teaching Young People in the Sun­ day School. By W. L. Howse, Jr. En- vironmehtalinfluences, personal prob­ lems of young people, and tests of teaching are set forth i n . discussion, statistics, and illustrations. 137 pages. of a Risen Christ! This is what your gift may do for those with lep­ rosy. Through the latest findings of medicine and sci­ ence, plus the prayerful ad­ ministration of earnest mis­ sionaries, this crippling dis­ ease is arrested and chil­ dren not yet infected are kept free. The mother shown here loves her baby as much as any mother in America. She would gladly gi£e her life for. him. But all of her plead­ ings to have him cared for in the mission are of no avail unless we have the needed funds.

LITERATURE TABLE [ Continued from Page 147]

Guiding Junior Boys and Girls. By Myrtle. Owens Looney. B e c a u s e “teaching” is much more than tell­ ing, this book is of vital interest to Junior, teachers. 130 pages. Junior Sunday School Work. By Blanche Linthicum. In this book on administration, the opportunities and responsibilitiés peculiar to the Junior worker are graphically presented. 134 pages. ■ The Art of Teaching Intermediates. By Ina B. Lambdin. In her writing the author gives (1) tested methods used in secular education; (2) appli­ cation of methods to thé needs of the church-school teacher; and (3) emphasis upon the Word of God as

casions, The book is organized sea­ sonally and has an.index of materials to be used. It is gratifying to note, the emphasis upon the need for regu­ lar Bible study in the program of the church school. 280 pages. Stand­ ard Publishing Co.,; Cincinnati, Ohio. Cloth. Price $2.00. More Dramatized Stories of Hymns and Hymn Writers By Ernest K.- Emurian Providing a fund of rich informa­ tion for hymn lovers, and especially for ministers, choir, directors, and youth leaders, this book (the second - on this theme), presents sixteen new non-royalty plays which dramatize • the stories behind forty-four hymns. The author e x p l a i n s : “The older hymns are purposely used in -this series, because of the dramatic and romantic situations and settings from which they sprang. . . . The facts, upon which these plays are based are true.” Special chapters concern the work of Fanny Crosby, James Mont­ gomery, Mary Artemisia Lathbury, and George Washington Doàne. These plays call for a cast,of as few as four and as many, as fifteen characters. 308 pages. W. A, Wilde Co., Boston, .Mass. Cloth. Price $2.00 Helps for Sunday School Workers Designed by the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Con­ vention as textbooks in t e a c h e r « training, the following volumes will be:,of outstanding value to teachers of the Various age groups. The books are cloth bound, published by . the Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. The price is 60 cents each. The Cradle Boll Department of the Sunday School. By Mattie C. Leather- wood. “There is nothing else like it in print.” It is a practical and yet inspiring book on Cradle Roll ad­ ministration. 158 pages. The Story Hour Leadership Manual. By Emma Pettey. Centering in the - child of six, seven, and eight years of age, the book discusses teaching methods, use of activity, worship, etc. i38. pages. Primary Sunday School Work. By Aliéné Bryan. Simplicity and adapta­ bility characterize this excellent text. 149 pages. The Junior Leadership Manual. By Ina S. Lambdin. Dealing with objec­ tives, leadership, meetings, activities, use of the Bible, etc., the book is clear in outline and treatment. 153 pages.

Bring Them Healing and the Joy

YOUR GIFT IN CHRIST'S NAME AT THIS EASTER SEASON WILL HELP "THE LEAST OF THESE” WHOM JESUS LOYES In gratefulness for what He has done for you, send a gift. You. will have the joy of helping men, women, and children broken by leprosy, who need the medical help and the good news of a Risen Christ. This war has brought added responsibility and need for funds. Ask God what you should do and then give.

The AMERICAN MISSION TO LEPERSJ n c . Dept. 5A , 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10

Gentlemen: I am happy to make an Easter offering to people suffering with Complete care of a child, one year....... $80 leprosy. Complete care of an adult, one y e a r...$40

Enclosed please find $

Medicine for one year.••••••••••••••••.$ 5

Name . . . . .........

Food for one'm onth..••••••••••••


.Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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