King's Business - 1944-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Adult Department of the Sun­ day School. By William P. Phillips. The last to be departmentalized, the adult department offers unlimited scope for growth. 137 pages. ? ■ Teaching Adults in the Sunday School. By Gaines S. Dobbins. Begin­ ning with “Our M i s u n d e r s t o o d Adults,” the book moves through eight vital chapters to “Testing the results of Teaching.” 133 pages. Soul-Winning Doctrines By J . Clyde Turner The author discusses nine Bible doctrines in as many chapters: ' the Atonement, Regeneration, Repentance, Faith, Justification, Assurance, Per­ severance, Sanctification, and Eter­ nity. The consideration of each topic is supported and enriched by related quotations from the writings and ex­ periences of Dwight L. Moody, George ^ Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, J. H. Jowett, and others. It may be used as a text book in personal evangelism. 133 pages. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenri. Cloth, 60 cents; paper, 40 cents. Youth Makes the Choice By H. E. Watters Having “ a f a c u l t y for thinking, straight, for seeing big things big and - small thyigs small,” the author of this book respected' youth, believed in its Ideals and idealism, and gave a lifetime to its special interests. On the subject of vocational guidance, his" book is one of the most excellent and complete works available; it is unique, in that it gives first place to recognition of God’s plan for the in­ dividual life. Packed with information gleaned in thirty-five years of con­ tact with college young people in his classes, the volume emphasizes the need of honest self-analysis of life problems, and offers self-tests and illustrations of singular merit. 390 pages. Broadman P r e s s , Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price $2.50. Hearth-Fire By Marel Brown With a buoyant spirit, singing of the ordinary events of life, the author considers Perspective, Balance, Cour­ age, Memory, Peace, and Contentment, a Each of the selections is short. 104 pages. Broadman P r e s s , Nashville, Tenñ. Cloth. Price $1.00. Love Without a Limit By William Hazer Wrighton These page-long meditations pre­ sent the subject in ninety different aspects. Texts arc drawn from both the Old and New Testaments. Here is a study of an exhaustless theme, especially suitable for devotional use. 102 pages. Moody Press, Chicago 10, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00.

Dr. F r a n k H. G u e rn s e y - OPTOMETRIST 415 Park Central Bldg. 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill

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Los Angeles, 14


theGOSPELto the RUSSIANS! “ T H E F IR S T D E C A D E O F PROG R E SS ” depicting through 125 photographs the first ten glorious and successful years of our Russian work, is sent free to all who send a gift for the work. Thousands have been reached with the gospel, hundreds have accepted Christ. Quantities of Russian literature have been dis­ tributed in North America and foreign countries. Recently we sent gospel litera­ ture to Soviet Russia. O iir p r e s e n t a im s a n d o b l i g a t i o n s ! The continued support of home and foreign missionaries, in 12 countries, in­ cluding Soviet Russia. Print thousands of Russian hymn books and other gospel literature. Russian Bible Institute, Toronto, Canada. All instruction in the Russian language. Send new missionaries to South America and Alaska. Russian broadcasts: Every Sunday from New York City; occasionally from Chicago; six times weekly over HCJB, Quito, Ecuador. This is a tremendous opportunity to evangelize the Slavic-speaking people. Y o i i r o p p o r t u n i t y a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y ! Pray for the needy Russian people and our missionaries who minister to them. Send gifts to help us:maintain this work. RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director 64 W . Randolph St., Dept. KB, Chicago 1, Illinois . Illustrated RUSSIAN GOSPEL NEWS sent free upon request . T he J ohn B rown S chools O nnounoL the appointment of Th e Brown Schools — with no Government contracts — are filled. They are Fully Accredited — Maintain Highest Academ ic Standards — D efinitely Evangelistic J O H N B R O W N U N IV E R S IT Y — Siloam Springs, Arkansas. America’s First University of. Vocational Specialization. B R O W N M I L I T A R Y A C A D E M Y — San D iego, California. Only H on or M ilitary Academy in California. B R O W N S C H O O L FO R G IR LS — Glendora, California. Th e Beauty Spot o f the West. B R O W N A C A D E M Y — Siloam Springs, Arkansas. A ll H igh School Grades. B R O W N J U N IO R S C H O O L — Sulphur Springs, Arkansas. First through Sixth Grades. ★ ★ ★ ★ For further information, write individual school direct. "T ra in ing Youth T o Live” JOHN E. BROW N , President. THE REVEREND W ILLIAM EVANS, D.D., Ph.D., Litt.D. — world-known Bible expositor and teacher—as Executive Vice President and Director of all Bible teaching in radio and Bible conferences of the John Brown Schools. . ★ ★ ★ ★

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