King's Business - 1944-04

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Do You W a n t Two Dollars for O n e — Along W i t h G r e a t Spiritual Bless- ing? Says DR. IRONSIDE, Pastor, Moody Me­ morial Qh'urch, Chica­ go. “ Your magazine has been c o m i n g to me now. for * number of years, and I always go through it with inter­ est.” Says DR. PHILIP E. HOWARD, JR., Editor of The Sunday School Times, Philadelphia: “ Christian V i c t o r y holds the reader’s in­ terest. Its Editorials and Bible study arti­ cles, by some of our leading writers, a r e faithful to the Scrip­ tures and contain much spiritual blessing.”

The CHRISTIAN VICTORY Magazine (Edited by John Fred Meldau — 20th year of publication makes the extraordinary o ffe r o f SLOOPS worth o f B o o k s F r C 0 with each new subscription at the regular price of $1.00 the year ($1.25 Canada and foreign). You select the books from the choice list below, including 10c extra to cover cost of shipping the books. Christian Victory is a true-to-the-Bible, national magazine, pub­ lished monthly, except August. It should be in every Christian home because it brings a wealth of rich spiritual material including timely comments on current events in the light of prophecy, excellent themes and illustrations for sermons, S. S. lessons, and devotional reading. Independent. Interdenominational. Premillennial. Says THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT of the Highland P a r k Baptist Church, De­ troit: “ I believe the Christian Victory Mag­ azine to be one of the best magazines pub­ lished today for Chris­ tian workers.” Select Your Books From This List: (If we run out of qny title, we will substitute another of equal value.) If additional books are wanted, remit at regular price. Says DR. LOUIS BAU­ MAN, pastor. Long Beach, CaliL: ‘<1. just want to say that I consider the Christian V i c t o r y Magazine about the livest, most, readable, and one of the most helpful maga­ zines . .. in print.”



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TH E FR IEND S O F ISRA E L M IS S IO N A R Y A N D REL IEF SOC IETY , INC . Gênerai Secretary: Rev. Victor Buksbazen, B .D. "Christ Our Passover Is Sacrificed for Us; Therefore Let Us Keep the Feast" — 1 C or . 5:7, 8. HITLER DESTROYS THREE MILLION JEWS WE ARE LIV ING in the darkest hour o f the world’s history. Stark tragedy and horror stalks naked over the earth. Never have there been so many refugees, and never has the word “Refugee” had such a tragic connota­ tion as now. It is more than mere want and deprivation. It is more than physical suffering. It has come to be stark terror, mental anguish, frenzied despair. The JEW is the perpetual victim. • One long tragedy of blood and tears, anguish and scorn has been his lot. How much more could the prophet say of his people were he living today: "See if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow.” OUR E A S T E R A P P E A L I S ON B EH A L F OF: REFUGEES in South America, Sweden, the British Isles, and an URGENT CALL comes from Palestine for funds to help ‘needy and deserving families who attend our mission.” ENCOURAGING REPORTS come from our Missionaries in England laboring among refugees. Many families have received financial aid. One writes: “I wish to express my hearty thanks for the kindness shown to me in your house. You always treat me as your own child, and I shall never forget my indebtedness to you. THROUGH YOU I CAME TO A KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH.” Another refugee writes: “I have never ceased to thank God that in His mercy He brought, me to Brighton and so to your Mission; thus I was brought to a knowledge o f the Lord Jesus Christ, whom I have now learned to love and trust, knowing that through His blood that was shed on Calvary I have the assurance o f pardon.” WE PRAISE GOD for these testimonies. IT IS THROUGH YOUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS .THAT JEWS ARE BEING LED TO’THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. ' \ FOR THE LOVE OF THE RISEN SAVIOUR, THEIR MESSIAH, we plead earnestly that each of you will set aside an Easter gift for suffering Israel. These gifts will enable us to succor them and to give them home and hope. DO NOT WITHHOLD SMALL GIFTS—THE NEED IS SO GREAT! Please send your Easter Gift to: The Friends of Israel Missionary Treasurer for Canada: and Relief Society, Inc. Rev. Joseph Taylor Britan, D.D., Treasurer Dr. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D., Principal 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, Can. THIS WORK IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: Archer *E. Anderson

Howard J. Miekley Harry Rimmer, D.D. Joseph M. Steele Victor Buksbazen, B.D. Lewis Sperry Chafer, D.D. Northcote Deck, M.B., C.L.ft G. Allan Fleece, D.D. Richard Orme Flinn, D.D. Graham Gilmer, D.D.

Albert Sidney Johnson, D.D. Nye G. Langmade, D.D. Clarence E. Macartney, D.D. Waiter E. McClure, D.D. John H. McComb. D.D. Robert C. McQuilkin, D.D. T. Rowland Philips, D.D. Wilbur M. Smith, D.D.

Edward J. Griffiths Norman B. Harrison, D.D. Will Houghton, D.D. FYederic M. Paist Stewart H. Sheriff, D.D. Andrew Telford, D.D. Philip E. Howard, LL.D. T. Christie Innés, M.A. Harry A. Ironside, D.D.

.George W. Arns, D.D. Louis 8, Bauman, D.D. Lorne H. Beiden, D.D. Philip A, Benson Paul L. Berman Herbert W. Bieber O. B. Bottorff Joseph T. Britan, D.D.

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