King's Business - 1944-04

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¿ y s t e x * r e m i v i Love Without a Limit by William H. Wrighton. Ninety meditations on the love of Christ, its many aspects and what its appropriation can mean to your Christian life. Cloth bound, 96 pp., $1.00 Then Came the Soldiers by Elizabeth Ann Thompson. A booklet about Caesar's soldiers, the soldiers of the cross, and today's Christian soldier. Paper, 31 pp., 25c That Blessed Hope by George E. Guille. A Bible study on Christ's premillennial coming. Paper, 39 pp., 15c Not Here—but Risen by Herbert Lockyer. Links the angel's Easter message to the believer's petition in Christ. Paper, with envelope. 16 pp., 10c Visiting the Empty Grave by Herbert Lockyer. A message oh Christ's triumph over death. Paper, 12 pp., 10c Magnitudes of the Mightiest Love by E. J. Telfer. Devo­ tional booklet on the boundless love of Christ. Based on Ephesians 3:18,19. Paper, 16 pp., 10c

S IX M IRACLES O rC A L V A R Y b y W . R. Nicholson. Dr. Jam es M. G ray said o f this book: “ I challenge the w orld o f Christian literature to produce in compass anything » . . com parable in _ spiritual interest.” 80 pages. E A C H .. ^ v C FACIN G C A LV A R Y b y W illiam Evans. A rt edi. tion o f this 91 page booklet, unfolding the seven, tccnth chapter o f John with soul-gripping power. Ideal gift book. Illustrated. A /\ EACH .................................................. 4 0 C THE C R O SS OF CHRIST b y Jam es H. Todd. An inspiring and instructive study o f the atoning work o f Christ on the cross, bofh as a historical fact end as the crowning act in redem ption. J C . 128 pages. Paper cover............................... D D C

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43 PER CENT increase in the arrests of boys and girls under 18 years of age in the first six months of 1943 over the same period in 1942... • according to a survey made by the F.B.I. in 18 leading cities. Juvenile delinquency is on the increase. £dgar Hoover, Head of the F.B.I .


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