Promoting Innovation in EMS


enthusiasm and expertise hosting the New York Regional PIE Conference in Manhattan.

Federal Partners This document was produced with support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Office of Emergency Medical Services, U.S. Department of Transportation, through a cooperative agreement, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response (ASPR), and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of NHTSA, ASPR or DHS. We thank the NYMIHA for their steadfast support of this project. The dedication of their interns and the focus on improving EMS and healthcare in New York and beyond is greatly appreciated. West Health Institute The West Health Institute (WHI) was instrumental in the success of the project. We are especially grateful to them for hosting the California Regional PIE Conference in San Diego, CA. We also thank WHI for working with us toward a shared vision of improving healthcare for all Americans, especially our elders. The Greater NewYork Hospital Association (GNYHA) For generations, the GNYHA has been a prominent voice for improving healthcare delivery in the greater New York City area. We are thankful for their support in the PIE project, especially their NewYork Mobile Integrated Healthcare Association (NYMIHA)

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation The PIE project leadership thanks the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation for hosting the PIE Project National Steering Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. This meeting brought together leaders in EMS and innovation from across the country. Participants in the NY and CA regional meetings Thank you to all of you who attended the PIE project regional meetings in New York and California. These meetings were an important part of the process to bring conversations from the local and regional level to the national stage. Participants in the survey and interviews Surveys and interviews were conducted that brought in ideas and perspectives from across the country. We thank all of you who took the time to provide your input for this important project. Participants in the open comment periods From the beginning of the PIE project we felt it was very important to incorporate the experiences and views of EMS stakeholders across the United States. We would very much like to thank all of you that took the time to review the draft documents and contribute your feedback. RedFlash Group The authors appreciate the support of the RedFlash Group in creating the final document.



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