1.Assure EMS medical directors are well prepared and have sufficient resources to execute their duties a. Local EMS agencies / authorities should: i. Seek to engage and recruit EMS-trained physicians ii. Provide their medical director with dedicated time, sufficient resources, and well-delineated authority. iii.Meaningfully integrate medical directors into all aspects of policy development and b. State EMS authorities / associations should: i. Convene EMS medical directors to discuss evidence and share best practices. ii. Establish policies and guidelines around disclosure of conflicts of interest. iii. Advocate for telehealth and online medical control reimbursement. c. National EMS organizations should: i. Develop programs that attract physicians to the subspecialty of EMS. ii. Advocate for competitive salaries for EMS medical direction. service delivery - including operations, finance, quality assurance, training and education. iii.Develop relevant and targeted continuing medical education for EMS medical directors. iv. Refine fellowship curricula and core content of EMS medicine to include exposure to and training in emergency preparedness, population health and non-emergent patient care initiatives. v. Encourage and assist medical directors to acquire formal training in public health, business, policy development, information technology, and leadership. vi. Support the availability of EMS medical director toolkits.
2. Expand opportunities for EMS medical directors to engage in multi-disciplinary teams a. Local EMS agencies / authorities should i. Foster discussion between EMS medical directors and medical leadership of hospitals, clinics, payers. ii. Invite participation of non-EMS specialties into protocol and policy development. iii.Encourage collaboration and coordination with a multidisciplinary team of experts and specialists in both indirect and direct medical oversight. b. State EMS authorities / associations should: i. Facilitate collaboration between state EMS and Medicaid medical directors. ii. Include EMS medical directors in State level committees discussing healthcare, public health and public safety. iii.Organize forums that introduce EMS medical directors to leaders of other related disciplines. iv. Provide a framework for multi-disciplinary medical direction for community paramedicine and mobile integrated healthcare involving non-EMS physicians. v. Remove barriers, facilitate innovative processes and sustainment of successful efforts among high performing EMS systems within the state. c. National EMS organizations should: i. Meet with leaders of cardiology, diabetes, cancer and others to design and test novel care pathways. ii. Host forums to illustrate best- practice teams. iii.Seek opportunities for EMS representation. iv. Expand input from EMS physicians in healthcare reform.
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