Promoting Innovation in EMS

v. Endeavor to have EMS representation at key leadership conferences and healthcare committees. 3. Reduce variation in EMS medical direction a. Local Medical Directors should: i. Champion quality improvement efforts. ii. Align system EMS protocols with evidence-based consensus guidelines and best practices. b. Local EMS agencies / authorities should: i. Strive to achieve high quality performance metrics before testing new innovative models of care. ii. Ensure that the medical director’s role in fostering innovative EMS is patient-centered and not based on conflicting interest of a hospital, health plan, or an EMS agency. c. State EMS authorities / associations shoul d: i. Define outcome measures. ii. Define reporting requirements. iii.Establish high ethical standards and guidance on management of conflicts of interest. d. National EMS organizations should: i. Promote evidence-based guidelines and best practices.

ii. Advance the use of NEMSIS-based outcome measures iii.Seek federal incentives for the use of NEMSIS-based outcome measures. 4. Optimize the role of State EMS Medical Directors a. Local EMS agencies / authorities should:

i. Utilize the support and guidance offered by their state EMS medical director. ii. Expect their state EMS medical director to be an advocate and facilitator for EMS innovation. b. State EMS authorities / associations should: i. Define the role and responsibilities of the EMS medical director in law. ii. Fund a State Office of the EMS Medical Director iii.Provide adequate authority to achieve the designated responsibilities c. National EMS Associations should: i. Support the appointment of EMS medical directors in all states. ii. Develop model criteria for the selection of a state EMS medical director.




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