Promoting Innovation in EMS

and integration, and establishes and sufficiently funds a EMS lead agency (L 1) • Enhance the abilities of state EMS lead agencies to provide technical assistance (F 2) • Establish and fund the position of State EMS Medical Director in each state. (MD 4) • Implement laws that provide protection from liability for EMS field and medical direction personnel when dealing with unusual situations (L 1) Evaluation • Develop valid models for EMS evaluations (RC 4) • Evaluate EMS effects for multiple medical conditions (RC 4) • Determine EMS effects for multiple outcome categories (RC 4) • Determine EMS cost-effectiveness (F 3) Information Systems • Adopt uniform data elements and definitions and incorporate them into information systems (Data 1) • Develop mechanisms to generate and transmit data that are valid, reliable, and accurate (Data 1) • Develop integrated information systems with other health care providers, public safety agencies, and community resources (Data 4) Clinical Care • Subject EMS clinical care to ongoing evaluation to determine its impact on patient outcomes (RC 4) • Employ new care techniques and technology only after shown to be effective (Intro) • Eliminate patient transport as a criterion for compensating EMS systems (F 1) • Establish proactive relationships between EMS and other health care providers (IC 1)

• Recognize EMS education as an academic achievement (Ed 1)

Human Resources • Adopt the principles of the national EMS Education and Practice Blueprint (Ed 1) • Develop a system for reciprocity of EMS provider credentials (L 4) • Develop collaborative relationships between EMS systems and academic institutions (F 4) • Conduct EMS occupational health research (RC 5) • Provide a system for critical incident stress management (RC 5) Medical Direction • Formalize relationships between all EMS systems and medical directors (MD 1) • Appropriate sufficient resources for EMS medical direction (MD 1) • Require appropriate credentials for all those who provide on-line medical direction (MD 1) • Develop EMS as a physician and nurse subspecialty certification (MD 1) • Appoint state EMS medical directors (MD 4) EMS Research • Develop information systems that provide linkage between various public safety services and other health care providers (Data 1) • Include research related objectives in the education processes of EMS providers and managers (Ed 3) • Develop collaborative relationships between EMS systems, medical schools, other academic institutions, and private foundations (F 4) Prevention • Collaborate with community agencies and health care providers with expertise and interest in illness and injury prevention (IC 1) Legislation and Regulation • Pass and periodically review EMS enabling legislation in all states that supports innovation

Communications Systems • Develop cooperative ventures between

communications centers and health providers to integrate communications processes and enable



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