Wishing Mom a Happy 70th Birthday
There’s a lot to look forward to this month. Spring is in full swing, warmer weather is on the horizon, the world is recovering, and people are healing from the year we just had. As we mentioned in the last newsletter, we’re very excited for the continuing warming weather and hope that the new year provides. April is all of this and more. Ashley’s mother turns 70 this month — it’s quite the milestone to hit! Thinking about it now, it’s amazing how much time has passed and how grateful and appreciative Ashley is that Bernice is her mother. We are thankful that our family has such a close relationship with my mom. We know that we’re lucky she lives right around the corner, so we have the opportunity to see her regularly. We moved to the same area at the same
time, over two years ago! Over the years, as our family has grown, she has grown close with our children as well. As the saying goes, it does take a village to raise children. During the school year she regularly picks our children from school and takes them to activities, at least two days a week. She also keeps them overnight, making sure they have a great dinner and breakfast, and even sometimes sends them off to school the next day if it’s a weekday. She has also watched the children while we have ventured to Wine Country, Vegas, and Oregon rafting. She often steps in to help to ensure we have some quality time together, alone, or to finish things up at the firm. If we need to work late or plan an evening out with just the two of us, Mom is willing to take the kids and has even offered to watch the house and feed the cats when we plan a vacation. While thinking about everything Mom has done for us, we also can’t help but think of all our readers and clients. We know in the past 12 months that many people were unable to visit the people they care most about. We hope that, when there’s a special event happening in your life, you can spend it with those you love, whether it’s virtually or in person. And, if you’re unable to see them, we hope this will change soon and you’ll be with them once again. For April 2021, we want to recognize everything Bernice has done for us. Mom is a special person in our lives, and we are beyond grateful for the amount of help, support, advice, and love she gives us. We wish her a very happy 70th birthday! For our readers, we wish you all the happiness in the world. May your April be filled with joy and love.
– Ashley and Christopher Bruce
Mom, Russell and Ruby
561-810-0170 • 1
Helping Our Clients From the Beginning to Their Future Divorce is hard, for one reason or another. For some, it is an emotionally wrenching time in their lives; for others, the process itself is exhausting to comprehend. To help our clients, our attorneys here at Bruce Law have implemented a program they can follow throughout their divorce case. We want our clients not only to be fully informed about their case and the process involved but also to have a vision and plan for their life beyond their divorce. This program is designed to make sure clients are well informed about their case, including what clients need to know (e.g., hiring experts, the basics of alimony, child support, equitable distribution, etc.) and what they should expect as it relates to working with our firm (so there are fewer surprises at a mediation, on bills, and at final hearings for divorce). But that’s not all it can do. An aspect of the program is designed to help some clients develop an after- divorce plan. One of our attorneys will work with the client, finding the information required to ensure the client’s settlement is as close to what they want as possible. At the same time, the attorney will offer the client “vision planning.” This is when they offer some degree of “life coaching,” which can be combined with speaking and working with a professional therapist. As part of vision planning, our firm has a structured multistep case and/or settlement analysis process that allows clients to have a deep understanding of key settlement points before having to sign any type of settlement agreement. This process allows our clients multiple opportunities to understand why their settlement is structured the way it is and gives them a chance to ask any questions without the pressures of mediation. By doing so, we make sure their settlement matches their vision for their future after the divorce is over.
Mud, Mud Everywhere!
Is there anything as great as spring? The sun is shining (sometimes), the birds are singing again, and — is that mud on the floor? As great as springtime is, let’s be honest: The wet weather that makes the grass and trees green also makes for a few muddy months. And if your family likes to recreate outdoors, you’ll want some tips for keeping the outside, well, outside . The easiest way to prevent having mud tracked through your home is by simply taking off your shoes at the door and asking your family and guests to do the same. This is a custom in many cultures around the world, but here in the U.S., developing the habit might be an adjustment. It’ll pay dividends all year long, though, especially in spring. Failing that, you should at least keep an old towel by the door to deal with your dog’s muddy paws or your kids’ mud-caked shoes! Outside of the house use a hose to wash off mud on pavers, flagstones, or patios; this will help prevent it from being tracked indoors. Other particularly tricky outdoor patches might benefit from a push-broom scrubbing or even a pressure washing. If someone does track mud inside onto a hard surface, such as a finished hardwood floor, you have two options to clean it up. The first is to wipe it up immediately with a paper towel, which you’ll have to do if it’s bad enough. But if the mud isn’t caked on too thick you might want to let it dry and then hit it with a dampened towel or scrubber. In either case, you’ll want to follow up with a cleaning product designed for use on that surface, whether it’s wood, stone, or linoleum. Of all surfaces, carpet presents the biggest challenge. Mud stains on carpet should always be left to dry completely — hard as it might be to look at! Once it’s dried, hit it with the vacuum then blot the area with a 1-to-2 mixture of laundry detergent and water. Repeat until the stain is gone, and flush with cold water to finish. You can follow a similar process for upholstery. Now you’re a mud cleanup master! Cleaning Tips for the Dirtiest Season of All
We’ve found that, due to the program, our clients are more understanding and comfortable with how their case proceeded. They know why their lawyer is recommending certain settlements, how they have multiple opportunities to discuss settlement terms, are confident that they had a say in the settlement process, and are happy with their results. For our team, we are happy to offer such a program to help our clients both now and in the future.
Congratulations to our paralegal, Amber, in living her dream with her new horse, Rocky!
Is your friend or client in need of a guide related to recent job or income loss? The book can be downloaded for FREE at SupportModificationBook.com. If your friend or client lives in the South Florida area, we’ll mail them a hard copy of the book upon request. OUR SUPPORT MODIFICATION BOOK CAN HELP!
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The Property Division Process
Determining a Fair Distribution
Florida is a 50/50 divorce state, which means that property division is divided equally between both parties in a divorce. Often, however, this does not mean both parties receive an equal amount. A judge may deem an exact 50/50 is unfair and, thus, decide that the divorcing couple’s property be split unevenly to ensure the distributed assets match both couples’ needs. EQUAL DIVISION When it comes to the value of bank accounts or credit card debt, this divide is relatively easy. But other assets are not as easy to value and require an appraisal before they are distributed to either person. A forensic accountant or appraiser will be appointed for a more equitable valuation of the couple’s property and assets. While this method is a crucial part of the divorce and property division process, it is known to cause problems if neither person can agree on the value of certain marital assets. This includes real estate, alternative investments, yachts, jewelry, art, and other collectibles. MARITAL AND NON-MARITAL The only time things may not be split evenly is if an asset is non-marital, which means the asset was owned prior to or inherited during the marriage. As long as the money or items are and have been kept separate from marital assets, they will be given to the spouse they belong to. That said, there are situations in which “rebuttable presumption” applies, which dictates that all assets or liabilities owned by either spouse are marital in nature and thus part of the equal division of the marital net worth. In other words, all assets and liabilities are marital unless proved otherwise.
The division process can be a complicated process, which is why you need a divorce attorney on your side. A divorce attorney can get in touch with a fair appraiser to work on the valuation of the assets involved in your divorce. What’s more, an experienced divorce attorney will know how to properly navigate property division and will guarantee you receive a fair and equal share of the assets involved.
If you have any questions about property division, call Bruce Law Firm today at 561-810-0170.
Bruce Law TEAM
Spring Vegetable and Chicken Pasta Bake
Inspired by TheSeasonedMom.com
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1 cup cooked chicken, diced 1 14-oz can artichokes, drained and quartered 1 cup fresh asparagus pieces
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1/2 cup fresh chives, chopped and divided
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped and divided
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2 tsp minced garlic
1/2 cup carrots, grated
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups uncooked penne pasta
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided
1 3/4 cups chicken broth
Cover the dish tightly with foil and bake for 35 minutes. Uncover and stir. At this point, check the pasta to make sure it is al dente. If it’s undercooked, cover the dish and return to the oven until pasta is tender. Remove from oven and garnish with remaining Parmesan, chives, and parsley.
Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch square baking dish with cooking spray.
In the prepared dish, stir together cooked chicken, artichokes, asparagus, carrots, uncooked pasta, chicken broth, half the chives, half the parsley, garlic, salt, and 2 tbsp Parmesan.
The Firm attending and participating in a Psychodrama Workshop
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1601 Forum Pl. Ste. 1101 West Palm Beach, FL 33401
An April Filled With Joy page 1
Cleaning Tips for Spring Mud A Program Designed for Our
Clients page 2
Divorce and Division of Assets Spring Vegetable and Chicken Pasta Bake page 3 3 Fun Earth Day Projects for Families page 4
Sprout Your Kids’ Imagination With 3 Fun Earth Day Projects
With spring officially underway, April showers starting to bring May flowers, and Earth Day on April 22, now is a great time for outdoor family activities. ONE FOR THE BIRDS Making a pine cone bird feeder is a fun and inexpensive project. In addition to creating and hanging your bird feeder, you’ll get hours of extra entertainment from watching the birds it will attract to your yard. If your kids are older, take photos of the birds or note their colors and features and look them up in a field guide or online.
them sprout and grow into something new. When the sprouts are big enough and it’s warm enough outside, you can plant the shell and carton directly into the ground! This easy project just requires rinsed eggshell halves, some lightly moistened potting soil, and seeds of your choosing. Note that smaller seeds, like those for herbs, lettuces, peppers, or tomatoes, work best for this project. For full instructions, visit GardenBetty.com and search “starting seeds in eggshells.” STICK WITH MAGIC Nature is a magical place. Many kids know this instinctively and often point out things adults take for granted or overlook, like bright-colored leaves, fun-shaped rocks, and acorn “hats.” Making a nature wand is a great way to let your kids explore their environment, whether that’s in your backyard, on a neighborhood walk, or in your favorite park. Let their imaginations run wild with what their magic wand can do! This simple project starts with a stick and masking tape. Your kids add all the extra flair by hunting for natural treasures and sticking them onto their wand. Complete instructions can be found at LaughingKidsLearn.com/nature-wands-outdoor-play .
This craft just requires a pine cone (the bigger the better), peanut butter, and some twine or string. Top the peanut butter with “sprinkles” of mixed birdseed or small pieces of nuts and fruit to appeal to even more birds. For full instructions, visit TheSpruce.com and search “pine cone bird feeder.” AN EGG-CELLENT PLANTER Save those eggshells from breakfast (and the paper carton, too!) and use them to start a garden! Your little ones will enjoy planting some seeds, watering them, and watching
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