

Neighbour protests Voyageur Park policy The Editor,

I am somewhat confused, what is the dif- ference? The next morning I called the Park Superintendent and spoke to him about this issue and he said: "Had I walked in the main gate, there would be no problem." I was told that the opening at the back gate is for biker clubs and long-distance walkers to go through and return. If it is illegal for us, why not for them? Here are some of the facts that park offi- cials did not take into consideration. In order for walkers and joggers (believe me, there are not many of us) living near the back gate of the park, it is a simple and con- venient way for us to enter our park. For me to get to the main gate I would have to drive 18kilometres return and since I walk almost daily, that would make it ap- proximately over 6,000 kilometres per year. It will cost a lot of money for gas and pol- lution, which is unnecessary. Unless one is in top physical condition, it becomes almost impossible to ask walkers and joggers to walk or jog the nine kilometres to the main gate simply to go for a morning walk or jog.

Personally, my wife and I sometimes go for a walk twice a day as we are retirees of a certain age and would like to stay physically healthy. I believe that people walking or jogging into the park are not polluting our environ- ment and should be encouraged, not dis- couraged, to freely enter our parks. Park officials can and should make walkers and joggers welcome to freely walk through the park regardless of which gate they en- ter. Most of us never stay long in the Park. For instance for us, the max is 1 hour and of course the joggers about the same. We have tried explaining the situation to the Park Superintendent, but he does not seem overly concerned. A ticket was issued regardless of what I said. I am hoping that this letter can accom- plish some kind of justice so people living near the east gate of the park can enter freely for walking, jogging and perhaps cy- cling. They are not hurting anything and prob- ably helping the image of the park. There is DUNVEGAN | The Twistle Guild of Glen- garry joins forces with the Glengarry Pio- neer Museum to present weekly demon- strations of spinning and weaving every Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Glen- garry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan. Visitors, both children and adults, will have the opportunity to see and partici- pate in the early pioneer art of taking raw wool through the process of carding, spin- ning, weaving, knitting, and sewing. “It looks like an old-fashioned working bee every Friday in the Williams Pavilion,” says Jennifer Black, Museum Curator. “At least a dozen spinners and weavers have been gathering each week to spin wool and offer information and guidance to anyone interested in trying this heritage craft. You are even invited to bring along your own wheel, drop spindle, or loom if you need some help.” The Glengarry Pioneer Museum holds a large collection of spinning and weaving artifacts which are on display throughout the summer in the new exhibit: “The Cre- ation of Cloth.”The Twistle Guild partnered with the museum to clean and preserve these pieces for the new and improved ex- hibit. Guild members have put countless 27. Bring your antiques for appraisal, and ask your questions. As a fund-raiser, there will be a modest charge for these expert ap- praisals. Want to learn more about preserving photographs, scrapbooks and photo al- bums? Kyla Ubbink, an accredited and certified conservator who has helped restore art by Picasso and Warhol, will be on hand Octo- ber 27 to share her knowledge. A modest charge will apply as a fundraiser for the Mu- seum.

nothing nicer than to see walkers and jog- gers enjoying the park. There is something wrong with the pres- ent situation and I strongly urge park offi- cials to reconsider and permit walkers and joggers to enter the park at the east-end gate. Hopefully the Park wardens will re-evalu- ate their position and give people who live near the park, at the east-end gate a break and make an exception. On a final note regarding this matter I would like to add that I am not alone guilty of entering our park by the east-end gate as, my wife has also been on most of my morning walks with me. Very few people use the east-end entry of the park as our population is very low. The people using the back end of the park for walking and jogging or cycling bother no one and only enter the park because it is a close distance from where they live. I live 5 minutes walking distance from the park and consider myself a park neighbour. James Normandin, Chute-à-Blondeau During the recent quilt and textile day at the museum, Oliane Van Dyke came to the museum to see the display and was moved to tears upon seeing the large floor loom decked out as if it was still in use. Van Dyke’s mother, Florimond Legault, donated the loom to the museum in the 1960s, where at the time it practically filled one room in the upstairs of the small Star Inn. The Legault family lived on Concession 1 of Lochiel Township in Glengarry County and would weave mats and other textiles for their home, as well as give some to neighbours. Apparently everyone in her family knew how to use that loom. The remaining activities for the season are the fourth annual Wood Fair and Auc- tion on August 25, the Harvest Fall Festival on September 16 and lastly, going out with a boom, the War of 1812 Reenactment on September 22-23. For additional informa- tion about Friday Spin Days or other events contact the Museum at 613-527-5230 or visit the Glengarry Pioneer Museum Web- site at . Harold MacMillan returns to the Vankleek Hill Museum to teach Gaelic phrases and the unique history of the language in our region. With Harold, you learn, and you en- joy a good Gaelic laugh! Take the opportunity to experience local historic gems. Take a guided tour of the St-Grégoire and Greenwood cemeteries, check out the Hig- ginson Tower, the Vankleek Hill Museum, the Arbor Gallery. In L’Orignal, visit the Old Jail. In Dunvegan, visit the Glengarry Pio- neer Museum.

Let me get right to the heart of the mat- ter, on the morning, of June 13, 2012, I was walking my dog, as usual, in the Voyager Provincial Park. I have been doing so for the last thirty years. On this particular morning I was approached by a park warden who is- sued me a ticket for $125, for illegal entry to our provincial park. I live at the east end of the Park opposite the designated entry point. There is a back gate at this point, at the east end of the park, and it is not the main gate for the park. This is where I entered. Through the years I have observed many bikers, joggers and walkers entering and exiting our park by this back gate. It felt very strange receiving a ticket for doing something that I have been doing for many years. It never occurred to me that I was breaking the law by walking in the Park, just because it was not the main entry point where I entered. When a pedes- trian or biker enters the park at the main gate, they do not pay to enter. Therefore,


Spin Days stir memories hours into stringing not one, but two large floor looms. One dates from the late 19 th century and the second is on loan from the Guild to be used for demonstrations and to allow members of the public to try their hand at weaving.

Photo Richard Mahoney

The harvest of grain crops has begun in the region as everyone continues to hope for an end to the ongoing drought.

Family History Weekend celebrates region’s roots VANKLEEK HILL | The call is out for family history buffs and genealogists to mark their calendars. The Vankleek Hill and District Historical Society will hold its Family His- tory Weekend October 27and 28. Want to identify your antiques and know what they might be worth? What about photograph preservation? How about a lit- tle conversational Gaelic? All that and more is coming your way. Share your family history and expertise – photos, stories, heirlooms, collections,

restoration works — and network for free with other researchers and like-minded people. Display space is available for family and local history buffs free of charge at the Vankleek Hill Community Centre. Contact the Vankleek Hill Museum (613-678-2323 or ) now to book your space. Special guests will bring their expertise: Janet Carlile, an independent Sothebys ac- credited antiques appraiser, best known for her tours with the Canadian Antiques Road- show, is at the Community Centre October

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