

24 EDUCATION New school board budgets adopted

Offres d’emploi Job offers


FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC in St- Bernardin, up to $28/hr based on experience. Must be able to work alone. Call Yves at (613)677-0649.

RÉNOVATION INTÉ- RIEURE et EXTÉ- RIEURE Spécialité sous-sol, mur, plafond, plancher, balcon, etc. 35 ans d’expérience. (514)262-4492. RICHARD ET ANDRÉ RÉNOVATION. Li- cence 8203-7986-14. Gypse, joints, peinture, toiture, céramique, bois franc. Travaux de menuiserie. Estimation gratuite. (450)537- 3432, (450)562-6380. TOUTE PERSONNE QUI AURAIT une ré- clamation contre la succession de Jeanne Desabrais-Malette, dé- cédée le 20 avril 2012, est priée de remettre au sousigné avant le 15 août 2012, à Roger Malette et Lise Desjardins-Malette. Rens.; (819)242-8062, (450)562-3301. Attention Avis/Notice 20 Garderies Gardiennes Babysitter available 21 BROWNSBURG-CHA- THAM, Montée La Branche, GARDERIE ÉDUCATIVE en MI- LIEU FAMILIAL à 7$. deux places disponi- bles pour début sep- tembre. Nourriture mai- son, beaucoup d’espa- ce pour jouer. Sylvie, (450)533-6676. GARDERIE, 7$/JRS. Entre Lachute et Mira- bel. C’est le temps de réserver vos places. Repas équilibrés, pro- gramme éducatif, envi- ronnement sécuritaire. Bienvenue 18 mois et mois. 450-562-4829. GARDERIE LES PETI- TES TOUPIES , ouver- ture le 4 sept 2012 de 7 à 17 heures. Enfants de 0 à 5 ans, retour anticipé mensuel, re- pas et collation santé. Tarif 28$ par jour. Ap- pelez maintemant pour réservé vos places. Claire (450) 562-7537 GARDERIE PRIVÉE 0-5 ans. Ouvert 6h à 16h ou 7h à 17h. Pour retour anticipé mensuel doit être in- scrit avant 1er sep- tembre 2012. Repas, collation santé. 27$ par jour. Tina ( 4 5 0 ) 4 0 9 - 1 5 8 4 , (438)837-7371. GARDERIE PRIVÉE , avec retour anticipé, si- tué à l’arrière de l’hôpi- tal, repas et collations santé, contacter Marti- ne au (450) 409-0878

government’s full-time kindergarten pro- gram. Four elementary schools will see renovation work begin in July 2013 to have them ready for all-day kindergarten class- es at the start of September that year. The schools are: St. Gregory in Carleton Place, Holy Cross in Kemptville, St. Anne in Corn- wall, and J.L. Jordan in Brockville. The UCDSB has a $368 million budget for the next term. It includes $350 million in operation costs and $18 million for capital works, and also covers remaining benefits and salary increases in union contract agreements. Budget allocations aimed at achiev-

ing the 90-per cent graduation rate for the UCDSB include funding for Learning Commons, a new school library model, full-time junior and senior kindergarten programs, renovation work for several ex- isting schools, and summer activities sup- port programs for younger students. The budget also includes support fund- ing for the Building 2020 process to intro- duce the Grades 7 to 12 format next term at Brockville Collegiate Institute, Thousand Island Secondary, Athens and Almonte District High schools, Carleton Place High, North Grenville District High, and Rock- land District High schools.

Next year’s financial house is in order for English-language schools in Eastern Ontario. During recent sessions trustees for both the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) and the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) ap- proved balanced budgets for their orga- nizations for the 2012-2013 school term. “The budget is proof that all staff re- mains dedicated to student success,” stated Brent Laton, CDSBEO chairman, in a press release. “The budget will help to ensure that the 2012-13 year will be as successful as 2011-12.” “This budget will assure that the board’s financial and educational affairs will con- tinue to be well-managed,” stated Rick Gales, UCDSB business superintendent.“It will also keep us on target for achieving our long-term goal of a 90-per cent grad- uation rate within the next four years.” The CDSBEO operations budget for next term will be $164.2 million with a capital works budget of $4.5 million. The new budget also covers all remaining benefits provided in the final months of the cur- rent four-year contracts with the board’s unions. Those end on August 31 this year. The CDSBEO has $2.7 million from the Education Ministry to put towards the next phase of its facilities expansion de- signed to accommodate the provincial


Recherche Wanted

34-YRS EXP. BUYING Coins, war medals, stamps, old paper money, sterling silver cutlery, watches, cufflinks, judaica, jewelry, vases, figurines, olympic items, etc.; Ron (514)996-6798.


Vente garage - À l’encan

Garage sale - Auction


GRANDE VENTE GA- RAGE , 3 familles, 504- 506 Champlain (entre Aberdeen et Lansdow- ne), Hawkesbury, 11 et 12 août, 9h à 15h. Antiquités, meubles et beaucoup d’autres arti- cles! VENTE DÉMÉNAGE- MENT , hors-province, 3239, concession 1, Lefaivre, le samedi 11 août, 8h-16h. Tout doit être vendu! Appareils ménagers, TV, meu- bles (3 ans ou moins), outils, décorations Noël, outils jardinage, bain sur pattes neuf, manteau fourrure, etc... Si pluie, pas de problè- me, nous avons beau- coup d’abris! VENTE GARAGE , 6930, chemin de comté 10, Vankleek Hill, 11- 12-13 août. En cas de pluie, remise à la fin de semaine du 25 août. 10 tables; meubles; réfrigérateur, 150$; poêle, 40$; ens. salon 7 mcx, 150$; 300 films VHS (anglais); 900 tui- les 6”X6” (saumon), 25$; tuxedo (noir), 75$; livres, vaisselle, etc... VENTE GARAGE , le samedi 11 août, 2822 Bay Rd, L’Orignal. Si pluie, remise au diman- che 12 août. VENTE GARAGE , les 10, 11 et 12 août, 977, rue Labrosse, St- Eugène. Plusieurs arti- cles comme 2 VTT, 1-50 Yamaha, etc... Beau temps, mauvais temps!

Veuillez faire parvenir votre demande IMPRIMERIE PRESCOTT-RUSSELL PRINTING a/s M. Gilles Normand C.P. 1000, 1100, rue Aberdeen, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 Téléphone : 613 632-4151, poste 245 • Télécopieur : 613 632-9680 Courriel : ill Hawkesbury (mardi et jeudi) DISTRIBUTEURS avec automobile pour distribution d’articles publicitaires, journaux, etc., pour la région de Séguin-Wathier, filiale de la Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. qui se spécialise dans la distribution et la livraison d’articles imprimés, recherche Ville de Hawkesbury (mardis et jeudis) aussi Plantagenet, R.R. le mercredi


• English • Western • Harness • Boulet • Ariat Boots • Apparel • Livestock • Pet Supplies • Giftware IS PLEASE TO ANNOUNCE THE RE-OPENING 613 674-2200 613 692-4300 5452 Mitch Owen RD., Manotick,Ont K4M 1B2

of our store located at 1717 County Road 18, Ste-Anne-de- Prescott, Ont. on SATURDAYS ONLY, BEGINNING SATURDAY, AUG. 11, 2012 from 9 AM to 5 PM ONLY We welcome customers to call our Manotick store to order items to be picked-up in Ste-Anne on Saturdays or come in and shop.


Personnel Personal

PSYCHIC CONSUL- TANT , CARD REA- DER. Over 40 years of research & expe- rience in the field of the paranormal. Confidentiality assu- red. Affortable servi- ces for individuals, couples & groups. By appointment only. Tom, 819-242-6366.

Monique LEDUC Sales representative 613 679-2801


Animaux Animals





ALFRED: DON’T STRAIN YOUR BUDGET! Newer roof, insulation, windows and floor coverings. Ideal for starter or retirees. Municipal services, walking distance to park, school and all amenities.

1.2 ACRES ON HWY 17 Commercial and

HAWKESBURY: AFFORDABLE FAMILY HOME! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carpet free. Full basement. Newer gas furnace, and hot water tank, newer central air. Fully serviced.



Prières Prayors

CHIEN CHIHUAHUA à vendre; (613)674-5577.

4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room on main. Natural gas, central air, in-ground pool. Ideal for in-home business. Walking distance to school and all amenities.

residential zoning. Older house, garage, barn and other outbuildings.

REMERCIEMENTS au Sacré-Coeur de Jésus, pour faveur obtenue. J.C.



ALLEMEND, très bonne santé, rens, Pierre au 450-533- 6766 D’ÉDUCA- TION CANINE / DOG TRAINING SCHOOL 290 Champlain, local 214, Hawkesbury. Cours d’obéissance de base / Basic Obe- dience courses. Ses- sion maternelle / kin- dergarten. Reserva- tion; (819)242-9216. ÉCOLE





LEFAIVRE: A FEW FEET FROM OTTAWA RIVER! Without paying the price! All-brick bungalow, 3+2 bedrooms, central air. Newer windows, doors and roof, municipal water. Carport. $144,900



ALFRED: IDEAL FOR RETIREES 2-bedroommobile ingoodcondition.Propane fireplace.Newerfloorcoverings inkitchen, coveredverandah.Carport.Monthly feesonly $210/permonthwithaccess to lake, salt-water in-groundpoolandallactivities inoneofa kindEvergreenparkand resort.

HAWKESBURY: DUPLEX! Side by side, semi-detached. Each unit 1+2 bedrooms,


Mostly hardwood on main floor. Family room or formal dining room on main. Spotless, natural gas, fireplace, central air, fenced backyard. Located in quiet dead-end street close to all amenities.

2 fireplaces, finished basement, sheds, one side owner occupied. Other side rented $900, hydro extra.

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