1.3b Resume Writing 101
1.3c Gap Analysis
One way to make sure that you are gaining the skills and experiences you need for the career you want to have after graduation is to conduct a Gap Analysis. A Gap Analysis is designed to identify what skills and experiences you need or want to gain to be a competitive candidate for your dream job. Below are the steps you can take to complete this activity: Step One | Find your dream job • Using Handshake, LinkedIn, or a professional organization in your field, find a job you would like to have after graduation. • It could be the job you want directly out of your undergraduate program, maybe it is the job you’d like to have 5-10 years after graduation, or perhaps it’s the job you want to retire from. Step Two | Read the position description • Identify the Required and Preferred qualifications. • Pay special attention to Educational Requirements, Years and Type(s) of Experience, Technical or Hard Skills (computer skills, languages, equipment, etc.), and Soft Skills (communication, time management, leadership, etc.). Step Three | Analyze your own skills • Reflect on the following Questions: ▪ What experiences have you had? ▪ What have you already learned? ▪ What skills have you gained? • Once you have answered these questions, compare your experiences and skills to those that your dream job needs or wants you to have; the pieces you’re still missing are your gaps. Step Four | Fill in the gaps • After you identify your gaps, create a plan for filling them in. Here are some of the ways you can fill in your gaps: ▪ Academic Opportunities : There are a variety of academic- related opportunities that can help you fill in your gaps including upcoming coursework in your major, adding a major, minor, or certificate, and being intentional when selecting general education courses. Some positions prefer or require a graduate degree as well. Refer to page 34 in Collecting Resources for more information about graduate programs. ▪ On-Campus Opportunities : Some on-campus experiences you can have to fill in gaps include undergraduate research, on-campus employment, and involvement in student organizations. ▪ Internship Opportunities : On- or off-campus internships are a great way to fill in your gaps. Begin your search for internships using Quest (on-campus), Handshake, campus networking events, and Career & Internship Fairs. ▪ Off-Campus Opportunities : Volunteering in your community or participating in a Study Abroad/National Student Exchange experience are just some great ways to fill in your gaps outside of UWSP.
Contact Information Use a larger font for your name. Include the information that will help an employer most easily contact you.
Education You can add your major, minors, certificates, and GPA (optional).
Experience Include the name and location of companies, your title, and the dates you held each position. Use bullets and action verbs to highlight your skills.
Section Titles Use a variety of sections to capture the experience that will interest future employers. Within each section you can mix jobs, organizational involvement, and volunteer experiences.
Additional advice • Use a font style and size that are easy to read; generally, 11-12 points. Your margins can be anywhere from 0.5-1 inch on each side. • Be consistent in your formatting – this can make it easier for the recruiter to find the information they need. • Keep updating your resume as you gain experiences; it is much easier to add details as they happen rather than needing to overhaul your resume each time you start looking for a job. • Keep your resume tailored when you apply for positions, but be sure to save a longer version (called a Life-long Resume) to remember anything you might want to include in the future.
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