right: site visit, the previous washed-out bridge far right: workshop/classroom built in Spencer's Island in 2009 and 2010
Taylor Redmond
Community collaborators: Taylor Redmond, Laurie Currie, Sam Fields, Cheryl Leask, Brian Fields, the Harrisons, Dwayne MacGillivary, Bill McLellan, Cumberland County Hiking Association Students: Brooks Roche, Montague, Andrew John Gilmour, Caleb McGinn, John Follett, Liam Logan, Alexander Crosby, Maddi Fraser, Françoise Grandmaison, Fiona Hamilton, Gillian Wilson, Shane Karkheck
Maddi Fraser
Harvesting logs (primary spanning elements) from the project site, we avoided transporting of bulk of our materials in on the trail – the concept itself detoured to meet a physical short-cut! When time expires the soundness of the logs, they can, with equal amounts of effort, be replaced. The imperative result is a high/low-tech hybrid that spans 30 feet – a middle ground between Roebling’s suspension bridge and a humble plank. We installed the deep v-shaped compression strut and cable assembly two thirds along the length, closer to the smaller ends of the tapering tree trunks. Like a bowstring, the braided steel cables were directed back to the end supports at either bank and tightened to push the sagging self-weight of the trees into an upward arching camber; delightfully firm underfoot. The steel components are thought to be durable enough to be reassembled and fit with new trees in replacement bridges in the future.
all images by Roger Mullin unless otherwise noted
. Lawrence R Nicoll
on site review 41 :: infrastructure
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