RF-Pose,'uses artificial intelligence (AI) to teach wireless devices to sense people's posture and movement.
By analysing the part of your genetic code determining susceptibility to nutrition-related health conditions like diabetes, DNANudge tells you which foods are best for you and which you should avoid.
Whenever Van Es (who is he?), throws something in the trash, he runs the wrappings through a barcode scanner connected to an online database using his laptop. He says: the robots will scurry in the cool shade beneath a wide variety of plants, pulling weeds, planting cover crops, diagnosing plant infections, and gathering data to help farmers optimise their farms.
Biohacking is the art and science of giving users more control over their own biology.
My toilet is fitted with technology that can detect various disease markers in stool and urine, including cancer markers such as colorectal or urologic.
HEY SIRI, can you ask ORI to make my bed?
shai yeshayahu
Shai Yeshayahu is the co-founder of VerS +, an international research and design practice responsive to how ancient, emerging and local knowledge and data informs making. He is an assistant professor at the Creative School, Metropolitan University of Toronto.
quotes inside graphic strip Adam Conner-Simmmons and Rachel Gordon, 'Artificial Intelligence Senses People Through Walls.' MIT CSAIL , June, 12, 2018. https://news.mit.edu/2018/ artificial-intelligence-senses-people-throughwalls-0612 Broom, Douglas, ‘This wristband tells you what food to buy based on your DNA', Freethink , April 25,2022. https://www.freethink.com/health/food-dna Van Bergeijk, Jerden. 'Public Viewing of a Private Life.' WIRED , November 16, 1998, https://www.wired.com/1998/11/public-viewing-of-a-private-life/ Sigal Samuel, 'How biohackers are trying to upgrade their brains, their bodies and human nature,' Vox , November 15, 2019:
https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/6/25/18682583/biohacking- transhumanism-humanaugmentation-genetic-engineering-crispr Hanae Armitage, 'Smart toilet monitors for signs of disease,' Stanford Medicine , April 6, 2020, https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/04/smart-toilet-monitors-for-signs-of- disease.html Dani Deahl, ' I would spend $10K to furnish my apartment with MIT’s robot furniture,' The Verge , June 6, 2017, https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/6/15746884/ mit-ori-systems-automated-furniture-preorder (accessed December 1, 2020)
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