Kappa Journal (Senior Kappas Edition)

Spotlight: Senior Kappa Affairs Committee Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter

President/ Brother Richard J. Gallot (Gamma Psi 1985). We were honored by Brother Gallot when he informed the chapter at the reception the Chicago (IL) Alumni was the first chapter in all of his travel across the country that reached out to him with a hospitality reception to meet and fellowship with the brothers," stated McMurray. NCAA Basketball Final Four Watch Party at the Edward G. Irvin Achieve- ment Center as continue its Saturday Afternoon Movie Matinees. Other upcoming SKAC activities this year include: a com- munity health fair focused on men’s health and a line dancing activity with the local sororities. “We are also looking to establish relationships with our counterparts in the sorori- ties in the Chicago area through joint activities for our Seniors as well as ac- tivities and events to bring our younger members and seniors together in fellow- ship,” said McMurray. SKAC activities are tailored to Senior Kappas to enhance their fraternal experience and fellow- ship as well as to support the chapter’s reclamation efforts. In conclusion, Se- nior Kappas are important to the chapter because they are the preservers of Chicago Alumni Chapter history and traditions. It is important the Senior Kappa interact with the younger membership SKAC plans to spon- sor its second annual

to educate our brothers not only of Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter history and traditions but also the meaning and traditions of Kappa fraternal ceremo- nies as well.

T he Senior Kappa commit- tee (SKAC) of Chicago (IL) Alumni is on the move un- der the leadership of Brother James McMurray (Pi 1970), as Chair- man and Brother Paul Henderson (Gamma Upsilon 1968) as Co-Chair- man. Brother McMurray’s philosophy is inspired by the past national Senior Kappa Affairs Chairman, the late Brother George F. David III, (Delta 1940) “We must remember that the Senior Kappa Affairs Committee mission is to retain members of the Fraternity who are 60 years of age or older as active, contributing, and fully financial brothers; and to encour- age programs that will facilitate their involvement and enhance their well- being.” For Chicago (IL) Alumni’s Senior Kappa Committee, the focus is reclamation and social activities. "Upon assuming the Senior Kappa Affairs Chairmanship, Past Chairman Weyman Edwards (Alpha Psi 1948) advised me, 'The most important thing Senior Kappas can do is contact another Senior Kappa, apprise him of the activities in the Chapter and invite him back to see what we are doing,'" stated McMurray. The Senior Kappa membership within the chapter is annually over 60 broth- ers so communication to this group is a continuing challenge for the

commitments, etc.," stated Hender- son. "We envision the SKAC having subcommittees to support existing standing chapter committees. The SKAC works with the chapter when necessary as a Hospitality Sub-Com- mittee," he continued. SKAC sponsored several activities including a Family Fun Day at the Chicago White Sox baseball game at Guaranteed Rate Field. The game was the final event of Chicago (IL) Alumni’s 2017 Reclamation Week. As the Hospitality Sub-Committee the SKAC, at Polemarch P. Scott Montgomery's request hosted the Street Renaming Ceremony of the street that runs adjacent to the Edward G. Irvin Foundation Achieve- ment Center to Edward G. Irvin Way. The guest of honor was Dorothy Manyweather, Founder Irvin’s daugh- ter. Also, last fall, SKAC hosted a reception at the

committee leadership. SKAC com- municates by personal (face-to-face) contacts; use of e-mail and postal services. Additionally, a goal of the

From left: P. Scott Montgomery, Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter Polemarch with Grambling State University President Dr. Richard J. Gallot.

SKAC of the Chi- cago (IL) Alumni Chap- ter is to create a “SKAC telephone tree” which is an auto-

Loyce Ellis (Gamma Upsilon 1968)

Eric A. King (Gamma Upsilon 1968)

mated phone

James McMurray

messaging service. SKAC plans to use the “phone tree” to initiate well- being checks and to communicate SKAC information and updates. SKAC meetings are on the third Thursday of the month, the same day as regular monthly chapter meetings. The SKAC meets 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., enjoys a pre-meeting dinner and at- tends the regular Chapter meeting. The goal of SKAC is to encourage fellowship among all the members of our Chapter. "We envision the participation of 25% of the chapter’s senior Kappas with considerations being given to availabilities whether physical, social, current chapter

Melvin Wormley (Beta Xi 1968)

Henry Farmer (Gamma Upsilon 1968)

Edward G. Irvin Foun- dation Achieve- ment

Lawrence Bingley (Gamma Upsilon 1968)

Paul Henderson (Gamma Upsilon 1968)

Center for Grambling State University

Paul Henderson

Porter Myrick (Xi 1968) T he 35 th Annual Chicago Metro Founders' Day Banquet paid tribute to the Founders of Kappa Alpha Psi ® and featured 31 st Grand Pole- march Dwayne M. Murray Esq., as the Banquet Speaker. In front a sold out hall, Grand Polemarch

Ralph Moore (Gamma Upsilon 1968)

Murray also pinned the brothers in attendance that were initiated into fra- ternity in 1968 with their 50Year membership pins. Brothers receiving their 50 th year pins were from: the Howard University Chapter the Xi of Kappa Alpha Psi ® , the Tennessee

State University Chapter, the Alpha Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi ® , the University of Toledo Chapter, the Beta Xi of Kappa Alpha Psi ® and the Southern Il- linois University Chapter, the Gamma Upsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi ® .


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