King's Business - 1914-01


THE KING’S BUSINESS Graduating Exercises

T H E G R A D U A T I N G C L A S S —F A U L T E R M 1 9 1 3 V E R N O N M O B G A N R E U B E N A N D E R S O N B E S S I E P I K E M A R T H A P O H N E R T

The Bible Institute Cotffse covers two years. Students can enter at any time, 'but graduations will occur at'the end of the fall, winter and spring terms. The four students graduated in December passed creditable examinations and received their diplomas Friday afternoon, December the nineteenth. Choral Hall was well filled with the Stu­ dents and friends_ of the „ Institute. The address was given .by Dr. J. Balcom Shaw, pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian Church, and will never be forgotten by those privi­ leged to hear it. A wonderful tribute was paid to the Deity and'Mastership of the Lord Jesus. Every word rang true to the atoning word of our Lord and He was lift­

ed up and exalted as the glorified and coming King. A strong desire was voiced for the publication of the address and we trust we may 'obtain it for that purpose. O f the graduates, Miss Bessie Pike has not yet been led to determine upon her field of service; Miss Martha Pohnert expects to take up definite work as a Bible- woman, and we hope she may be led to labor with us; Mr. Reuben Anderson will engage in pioneer work among the neglected fields in this country, and Mr. Morgan will go to South America. Special music was rendered by Miss An­ nie MacLaren and Professor L. F. Peck- ham, musical directors of the Institute.

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