King's Business - 1914-01



from the door-step. The baby died ,in agony on her lap.' Her son, when big.'enough to help, went to the city, became a drunkard and gambler, spent the money She sent him, and murdered a man. She mortgaged her home to pay the lawyers; saw her boy hung; begged his body; took it home in her wagon, and buried it. From that time she was called “ The Trouble Woman.” Not be­ cause she had had' S o much trouble, but because she was'always at the house of trouble. Her hors? wpuld ,driy;e, up; .going in with her bundle-to-stay'-as-dong as need­ ed, she would tie on-an-apron and silently begin he? work of help and comfort, be­ the light shining in the midst of the dark­ ness that shrouded Israel, 4>ut. .the darkness comprehended it not (John 1:5). Christ is the Sun, the Church is the Moon that receives the light of the^Sun and reflects it. In the night o f His: absence we are to il­ lumine all of the dark places of the1earth. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is -in heaven.” The Holy Spirit is the Spirit o f light 'and He dwells Within us. He illuminés dur being with light through the Word. “ The en­ trance of thy Word giveth light.” -, The light within us becomes darkness when sin in our lives hinders our living out the life of Christ. The: lamp vessel must be clean. His life must have unhindered sway for its manifestation. A light has nothing to do but to shine. Some one fills the ves­ sel with oil, some one trims the wick, some one places the light on the lamp-stand and the light has only to shine. God forbid that the light in us should become darkness because of a backslidden heart or a heart conformed to the world, or a heart nursing a secret sin. God forbid that by reason of hidden light souls should stumble into eter­ nal darkness. Why not shine in the midst of the crooked and perverse age in which we live? cause’ she knew what trouble is. 5. Our Threefold Comforter. , Isaiah 66:13; John 14:1, 2; 16-18. The Heart of thè Lesson (Concluded from Page 32} . ;

How We Spent Christmas ip Conger (Concluded from Page i7) . taining bandages, surgical dressings, medi-_ cines, etc. We were much upset, but have to claim, constantly, . victory over all the attacks o f the enemy ; one never realizes his power so much as On the field. Miss Hajdand’s description of the house in which she and her friend, Miss Dr. Newberry,, are living, is interesting. “We are living in a house built like this (here shë makes â diagram).. The sup­ ports are small,trçes,i the frame is made of bamboo and covered with grass; from the outside it-resembles a hay stack; inside we have our' tents, and tent-fly fixed up to keep out the rain, and wind. W e have so much wind; it blows like a cyclone some days and nights. Then1on the ground we have our tent groUnd-loth and some mat­ ting. The front part is the dining

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