
David Murray

Western half of the 1903 map of the Dominion of Canada from the brochure Where and How and All about it – Information and Facts for the Prospective Settler . It shows all the stops on all the railway lines, indicating the density envisioned by the Dominion government.

The two 1903 and 1904 maps found in the Pendennis Hotel are very detailed in their geographical mapping of western Canada. The 1903 fold-out brochure and map (above) is titled Where and How and All about it – Information and Facts for the Prospective Settler and was printed in Norwegian, Swedish, German and English, intended for settlement, not exploration. Neither of these maps provide any of the information about Indigenous Peoples that had been so carefully referenced on the earliest maps. Rivers and lakes no longer have their Indigenous names. The 1904 map (next page) had a complete report attached to it, also prepared for the prospective settler. It starts off with 'Practically all the glowing reports on the Peace River region have been based on crops grown in the Peace River valley between Peace River Landing and a point about 15 miles upstream on the north side of the river ...'


on site review 42: atlas :: being in place

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