Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201805

Melaleuca: An Overview is intentionally designed to engage a broad audience. It combines visual with verbal. Strong statistics and facts are balanced with opportunities for stories and emotional reasoning. It is paced to maintain interest. Giving a complete overview is important. Marketing Executives who share a complete Overview have higher customer retention, develop stronger leaders, and enjoy higher residual income! If you rush through certain slides, you run the risk of cutting out something that will connect with those who learn differently than you do. You can help bring Melaleuca to life for your students—um, audience—by understanding different learning styles and how to teach to them. No one expects you to know how potential customers in your audience learn, and you certainly don’t need that knowledge to present an effective Overview. The good news is, you probably know many of those you’ll be sharing an Overview with extremely well. That’s a huge advantage! If you are going in blind, the strategies listed in this article can give you some ideas you might find helpful to use during your next Overview.


Global learners latch onto the big picture first, then see how smaller details support it. As you make your way through Melaleuca: An Overview , frequently refer back to Melaleuca’s mission to enhance lives and how different elements of the presentation—specific products, better health, residual income, and time freedom—all support the big picture.

Visual learners learn best through observation and visual aids like graphs and charts.

HOW TO APPEAL to them Use language to help them paint a picture in their minds. When talking about EcoSense ® products, you could bring up the brightly coloured warning labels on competitor cleaning products. Ask them what colour of car they would buy with the Car Bonus.


Experiential learners acquire knowledge through experience.

Auditory learners understand and retain information they hear.

HOW TO APPEAL to them They learn best by doing, but they learn through indirect experience too. Share product stories. Show how simple it is to order products at Melaleuca.com. Invite them to participate in product demonstrations.

HOW TO APPEAL to them Verbalise important concepts—even those presented in writing. Read through the information presented on a chart or images. Repeat key phrases several times throughout your presentation. Physical learners like to touch and manipulate objects while they learn. Provide pens and paper for notetaking and doodling. Have tangible forms, brochures, and products on hand rather than just digital copies. Invite them to participate in product demonstrations. HOW TO APPEAL to them HOW TO APPEAL to them... Facts, figures, charts, and numbers will support their reasoning processes. Show your business report. Explain why Melaleuca’s reorder rate is significant. Shine a light on Melaleuca’s patents and research findings. Sequential learners like to understand small details first, then order them into a large, overarching concept. Melaleuca: An Overview is organised in a sequential manner. After several slides, take time to reiterate important concepts and how they build upon each other. HOW TO APPEAL to them Logical learners analyse and think critically about new information.

Abstract learners think in terms of relationships and patterns.

HOW TO APPEAL to them They intuitively apply an abstract concept to their situation. They tend to think big and imagine the possibilities. Ask rhetorical questions that will tap into their imagination. Concrete learners learn best through specific examples and what they personally experience. Back up each point you make with a story or example. Your own story will be more impactful than the story of someone they do not know. Like the physical learner and experiential learner, hands-on experience is important to the concrete learner. HOW TO APPEAL to them




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