Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201805


Your goal is to make 20 calls a week to have a healthy, growing business. But what exactly do you say once your contact answers? Don’t worry! With a few suggestions, you've got this!

Get straight to the point. “Hi, Rosa! I’m calling because…” Your contacts will feel misled if you engage in small talk for several minutes and then change the purpose of your call. Don’t read from a script. If you’re a newer builder and you’re unsure of what to say, use a bulleted list as a cheat sheet. You’ll say everything you need to without sounding scripted. Let your contacts know that you’ve got something that you think will HELP THEM. Everyone likes to be helped and no one likes to be gotten. Confirm appointments with a statement, not a question. “Are we still good for tomorrow?” gives them the option to cancel! Instead, say, “I’m so excited for tomorrow. See you at 7!” If someone else will be giving the Overview, have their schedule in front of you so you know the appointment you set with your contact will work. Give to receive. That’s the philosophy of Executive Director 6 Ruby Mariscales. “When I look at my contact list," she says, "I am always asking myself, ‘How am I going to help this person or get to know her better? Can I drive her son to the next sleepover?’ It’s easier to ask for the appointment once you’ve been able to give to them. Give to receive.” SMILE —it comes through in your voice.

“Good approaches start with a good contact list,” says National Director Jill Parker. Don’t

just write down names—build relationships with each contact. Write down a need they have that

Melaleuca can help with.

Remember the purpose of the call. You are an appointment setter. Does the receptionist at your doctor’s office give you medical advice? No way. Just set an appointment.

“Use words that send a visual message,” says Corporate Director 3 Mark Atha. Words like see , show , and look

subconsciously prepare your contact for the Melaleuca: The Overview experience. This isn’t something you do you over the phone or while waiting to pick up your kids from school.

Your tone matters as much as your words. Be enthusiastic. Be confident. Be authentic.


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