Melaleuca’s Compensation Plan, but from the absolute best health-care, personal-care, home-care, and skin-care products available. Please remember to tell people not to quit their jobs when they come to Melaleuca, but to use Melaleuca to supplement their current income. It is tempting to listen to all the success stories and crank out some numbers on our calculators and think that our time might be much better spent working Melaleuca full time. That may very well be the case after your Melaleuca income is two or three times more than what you make at your current job, but we feel it would be unwise to leave your job before that happens. We want everyone to prosper, and we suggest that you be the best employee you can be for your current employer until your Melaleuca business builds to a point far surpassing your current income. We should be honest and upfront in our approach to potential customers. I’ve seen other companies advocate “tricking” people into listening to a presentation. We should make sure we never adopt that culture. Melaleuca has a good reputation, and we will keep that reputation only if we deal with everyone in an honorable way. We should always remember that our friends and family are more important to us than this business will ever be. I’ve heard it taught in other businesses that “if your friends don’t join your business then they’re not really your friends.” I don’t believe that for a second! Make sure that when you present your business opportunity to your friends that they understand that your relationship is not at stake. Someday when they more fully understand the advantages of our products and the potential of our Compensation Plan, they almost surely will want to be involved at least as a customer, but your friendship should never be placed in jeopardy if they decide not to be involved at this time. And remember: the more we grow, the more people get that firsthand experience with our products, and the more positive their experience with us, then the more likely they will be interested in joining us in the future. We should always under-promise and over-deliver. Never tell people it’s easy to build a Melaleuca business, even if you think it is. For some people it is more difficult than for others. We should always tell people it takes hard
work and consistent effort. Without question the reward can be substantial, but it takes dedication and persistence to build any business, and we should be very upfront about that. We have always advocated sharing personal experiences with our products. Product stories should never be embellished. We never have to tell it better than it really is. The truth is always good enough. Don’t spend money traveling to build your business. It’s not necessary—you can have the most success in your own hometown. We also hope that you will join us in our gentle but consistent encouragement of families to get out of debt. We are not advocates of diamond rings, fur coats, snazzy cars, or “keeping up with the Joneses.” We are advocates of taking charge of our lives, of financial freedom, of being totally out of debt, and of peace of mind. We believe we provide a way for every family in Australia and New Zealand to build for themselves a solid financial future—a future free from debt and financial worries; a future that will allow people to reach their full potential regardless of their educational or professional background or current financial status; and a future that will allow families to have the financial means to do what they want, whenever they want. Please help us protect that future by building your business on sound principles.
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