T E A M , W H A T D I D W E L E A R N ?
Leadership in Action is more than reading material—it’s a training tool for you and your team! After reading this issue, turn education into action. Below you’ll find questions that you can ask yourself or use to engage your team in discussions to help everyone reach their goals.
F R A N K ’ S M E S S A G E : Melaleuca is a principal-based company with a reputation unlike any other business. What is it about Melaleuca's principals that attracted you? What part do Marketing Executive play in maintaining Melaleuca's reputation?
› › MA I N M E S S A G E An Overview is intentionally designed to engage a broad audience. It combines visual with verbal. Strong statistics and facts are balanced with opportunities for stories and emotional reasoning. It is paced to maintain interest. Giving a complete overview is important. Marketing Executives who share a complete Overview have higher customer retention, develop stronger leaders, and enjoy higher residual income! › › P R O D U C T T R A I N I N G A N D W E L L N E S S What new products are you most eager to try yourself? What new product is most likely to change the lives of your customers? Make a plan to contact each one of your customers to tell them about Melaleuca’s newly launched products. › › B U S I N E S S T R A I N I N G A N D M I N D S E T Have you ever thought about the different ways people learn? What tips do you want to try from"The A+ Overview" to reach different learners? "What Do I say Next?!?" on page 26 gives some great tips and sample approaches you can make your own. What's the best approach advice you've received? Is there a suggestion in this article you'd like to try? Becoming an expert at the Seven Critical Activities will benefit your business and your team's achievements. Choose an activity (or activities) to improve on this month. › › E V E N T S Who are the members on your team with a goal to attend the next Road to Senior Director Event. Develop a plan with them to help them achieve this huge milestone.
Were you able to present the Overview to at least 3 customers this month?
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