onsite 43 time

A communal dinghy used by the local fisherpeople to bring their daily harvest to shore; after the catch is offloaded the dinghy is returned to deeper water and anchored for future use, Los Molinos, Chile

Wooden palette left on the beach to aid fisherpeople offloading their catch from the communal dinghy, Los Molinos, Chile

Wooden table loaded with bags of crabs offloaded from a boat offshore; the harvest is placed on stairs while the fishers anchor the communal dinghy after use, Los Molinos, Chile

BRITTANY GIUNCHIGLIANI , a Baltimore-based landscape designer, explores embodiment in the landscape through a feminist lens. Brittany holds a Master’s in Landscape Architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design. www.littlejonquil.com and @ourbodiesmadeofwater on Instagram.

all images Brittany Giunchigliani


on site review 43: architecture and t ime

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