King's Business - 1931-03

"Would you know how rich you are? Or how indispensable to the

fohe K i n g ’s B u s in e s s W illiam P. W hite , D.D., E ditor Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." Rev. 1:5 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XXII March, 1931 Number 3 Table o f Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor................................... 99 Moses at the Wayside Inn-f-William Wileman.............................. 100 There Shall Be Signs—Louis S. Bauman...................................... 101 Thy Kingdom Come—Roy Talmage Brumbaugh....... ................... 103 Transformations in Easter Papua—Delavan L. Pierson.... .......... 104 Structure in Scripture—Norman B. Harrison......... ..................... 106 A Favorable Verdict and the Reasons for it—John C. Page....... 108 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell...............................................................112 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell...................................... ......... 116 Junior King’s Business—Helen Howarth LemmeL.....................117 Homiletical Helps........ ............ .............. ,.... ...................................... 119 Our Literature Table.......................-................................ -.............. 120 International Lesson Commentary.....................................................121 jilotes' on Christian Endeavor................... | ...... ................................ 133

plans of God? Read Ephesians!

His Very Own Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians B y N orman B. H arrison , D.D. The Chapter Titles Command a Reading! The A p p ro ach : W h at W e M ay E xp ect to F in d in E phesians. I. T he M ost W onderful S to ry E v er T o ld . II. T he M o st W onderful B ody E v er Form ed« III. T he M ost W onderful B uilding E v er Built« IV. T he M ost W onderful W alk E v er U n d er­ taken. V. T he M ost W onderful B ride E v er W ooed an d W on. VI. The M ost W onderful W a rfa re E ver W aged. T he A ppeal C alls U pon th e C hurch to L iv e a s H is V ery Own F e a tu re s: C om plete O utline; S u g g estiv e D is­ play in Series of C h a rts; Illum in atin g C om m ent 176 pages, cloth, gilt stamping, $1.00; paper, 60c Bible Institute Colportage A ss’n 843 N. W ells St., D ep t. K. B., Chicago Africa Inland Mission Headquarters 373 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. M issionaries 20 0 , A fric a n L a b o re rs 600, p re a c h in g a n d te a c h in g th e g re a t essen tials of th e S c rip tu re s in 25 d ialects in E a s t a n d C e n t r a l A f r i c a . Bible Schools, H o sp itals, a n d m an y D isp e n sa r­ ies o p e ra te d . T h e h o p e of A fric a lies in th e know ledge of a n a lm ig h ty R e ­ d eem er, of a w hole Bible a n d a sp irit filled n a tiv e m in istry . INLAND AFRICA and other literature mailed free on request. A Work o f Faith in Dark Africa WAS JESUS CRUCIFIED ON GOOD FRIDAY? Is G ood F rid ay th e a n n iv e rsa ry of Jesus* C rucifixion? W as Jesu s in th e tom b th re e full d ay s a n d th re e full n ig h ts? D id Je su s rise a g ain oh th e th ird day ? D id Jesu s re s ­ u rre c t on E a s te r Sunday? G et th is book an d le t it d ire c t yo u to th e Bible itself fo r an answ er. G et th e th rill of disco v ery of new tru th in th e Bible b y re a d ­ in g th is am azin g book. G et it fo r y o u r B ible c la ss a n d stu d y it b efo re th e E a s te r seaso n . It co n tain s also th e reco rd of th e e v en ts of each d ay of P a ssio n W eek a s th e B ible p re se n ts th em plainly. Special edition, 50 cen ts (no stam p s) p o s t­ paid. Specia.1 p ric e s on q u a n titie s. THE E. A. MILLER PRESS 45 D ivision A ve., S. Grand Rapids, Mich» $ $ B o y s a n d G i r l s $ $ Act quickly and earn one i dollar in cash. Sell only 10


Daily Devotional Readings.


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