King's Business - 1931-03


March 1931

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

b. Can the true Christian expect ap­ probation or opposition from those who are not Christians? See verses 18 and 19. Examine Matt. 10 :22 and Matt. 5:11 in this regard. c. Can you suggest some ways in which verse 20 is true today? d. The disciples were to be witnesses concerning the truth of the things which Christ spoke. See verse 27. In what ways can Christians today witness to the world concerning Christ and His message of salva­ tion? See Matt. 5:16. The effort should be made in the study­ ing of this chapter, to bring out as many practical applications and concrete illus­ trations as possible. Urge those who are to speak on each question to try to bring their discussion into the realm of every­ day life. The leader should present at the close of the service a brief summary of all of the suggestions made. It might be well to use a blackboard to list the var­ ious practical suggestions as they are brought out in the discussion. — o — April 26, 1931 Practical Lessons on Sin, Salvation, and Service ClNCE we are using the questionnaire method in the discussion of this month’s lessons, it seems appropriate to examine some questions that occur in the Bible it­ self, which should provide the background for an excellent study concerning some of the great facts of the Christian faith. The leading questions are not only direct

questions will be given under each. The divisions are as follows : 1. Christians and their Relationship to Christ (vs. 1-11). 2. Christians and their Relationship to One Another (vs. 12-17). 3. Christians and their Relationship to the World (vs. 18-27). 1. Christians and their Relationship to Christ (vs. 1-11). a. What life relationship is suggested between Christ and the Christian, in verse 5? b. How far can we depend upon our­ selves in the living of the Christian life? See v. 4. Must the depend­ ence be complete? c. Is there any suggestion found in verse 3 concerning the cleansing of the life from sin? How is that cleansing accomplished?. d. What are the possibilities and spirit­ ual potentialities suggested in verse 7 ? Compare with Phil. 4 :13. e. What part does obedience play in our relationship to Christ? See v. 10 . f. If we abide in Christ and obey Him, what will be the result? Read verse 11 . 2. Christians and their Relationship to One Another (vs. 12-17). In John 17:21 Jesus prays “that they all may be one.” Fellow Christians are closely related. Discuss the following questions in this connection: a. Since every individual Christian is dependent upon the same source of nourishment and life, what should

Cooperation I am inclosing a check to re­ new the subscription o f Mrs. ------. She has a large Bible class; she gets much splendid help from T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness . -—From Costa Mesa, Calif.

be the general relationship of each to the other as members of the same family ? b. Study the command given by Christ in verse 12. What would be some of the practical results if Christians put into practice this command of Christ? Read 1 John 4:19. c. What will be the practical outwork­ ing of our love in the realm of friendship and fellowship with one another, as suggested in verses 14 and IS? d. If we have unity of life and fellow­ ship in love, what should be the re­ lationship between Christians in their service, as suggested in verse 16? 3. Chrisitans and their Relationship to the World (vs. 18-27). a. Can the Christian have fellowship with the world, or must there be a life of separation from the things which are dishonoring to Christ? See verses 18 to 22.

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