King's Business - 1931-03

March 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

S ix JV I i r a c le s o f C a lv a r y

ace, now devoted to municipal uses, is pre­ served under a seal a precious Garneri violin of Paganini. Kocain, the Bohemian violinist, visiting Genoa, asked to be al­ lowed to play the instrument. The mayor granted the request and invited members of the aristocracy and several musicians. Kocain played one of Bach’s airs, and a concerto from Paganini. The audience was greatly impressed. The violin was then replaced in the glass box where it had rested sixty-five years, and was again sealed in the pres­ ence of the spectators. It is rather a pity that this magnificent violin, which was thrilled at the touch of a master’s hand, should live upon its past glories and be locked inside a glass case. Yet many a so-called child of God is like that; and, for the music that might thrill in their lives, and the comfort and inspiration which might come from their presence if the obligation is not met, there will be an accounting at the judgment seat of Christ. — I. Wilbur Chapman. ■—o— March 27— “As thou goest step by step I will open the way before thee” ( Prov. 4: 12, Hebrew Trans.). Child of My love, fear not the unknown morrow, Dread not the new demand life makes of thee; Thy ignorance doth hold no cause for sorrow Since what thou knowest not is known to Me. Thou canst not see today the hidden meaning Of My command, but thou the light shalt gain; Walk on in faith, upon My promise leaning, And as thou goest all shall be made plain. One step thou seest—then go forward boldly, One step is far enough for faith to see; Take that, and thy next duty shall be told thee, For step by step thy Lord is leading thee. —Quarterly of Scripture Testimony. —o— March 28— “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me" (Psa. 42:5)? The psalmist was surprised at himself. He was passing through deep waters, and sorrow possessed his soul. “Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.” The Lord had hid his face—but only for a moment. “I cannot read His future plans, But this I know, I have the smiling of His face, And all the refuge of His grace, While here below.” How can we know that? On the auth­ ority of His Word. We are “accepted in the beloved.” This is one of the secrets known by trusting ones. Sheltered by His atoning blood, and, by His grace, liv­ ing the life of obedience, we may live constantly in the enjoyment of His smile. —Robert Lee. —o— March 29— “The Lord is the strength of. my life” (Psa. 27:1). If you truly live in the sacred conscious­ ness that, from moment to moment, the

B m “ I challenge the world of Christain literature to produce in the same com­ pass, anything on the redemption mysteries of the crucifixion of Christ, comparable in spiritual interest and power with Bishop Nicholson's ‘The SixMiraclesofCalvary'. ” J ames M. G ray .

'T ' his deeply spiritual volum e of m editations o r addresses is being widely A and enthusiastically used by pastors, superintendents an d Bible Class lead ers.. . . Comm em orates the g reat events of o u r L ord’s last week. Provides a helpful program fo r th e observance of th e Passion w eek includ­ ing Good Friday and E aster. Edited by D r. Jam es M . Gray, fro m hitherto unpublished m anuscripts of th e late Bishop W illiam R. Nicholson. Attractive art covers in silver and purple, 80 pages, 5 copies $1.00; 60 or more for group use $15.00 per 100. Send 20c coin"or stamps for sample copy;;order a quantity for distribution to or sale by your class or congregation. The BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION. Dept. Kt 843 No. Wells Street - Chicago, Illinois

He Might Have Been A Millionaire H e w as a n ew sp a p er m an, th e ow n er of a la rg e m o rn in g jo u rn a l in C an ad a. H e w a n ted to ru n his p a p e r on C h ristia n lines, a sk in g a lw ay s th e q u estio n “W h at w ould Je su s d o ? “ H e is to d ay o n e of th e g re a te st c h a ra c te rs in C an ad a. W h at h a p p e n e d to him in his en d eav o rs to sta n d firm fo r God, conscience, tru th a n d rig h teo u sn ess, is to ld in th e nex t issue of T H E EVANGEL ICA L CH R IS ­ T IA N in a n in terv iew w ith th is re m a rk ­ ab le m an. T h is is th e first in a series o n “T h e C h ristia n C o n scien ce in th e M o d ern W o rld .“ D o n ’t m iss it! You will be edified a n d d elighted w ith the sto ry . S u b scrip tio n p ric e $ 2 .0 0 a y e a r. Send 10 c en ts fo r a sam p le copy. The Evangelical Christian 366 Bay Street Toronto 2, Canada THE WORD OF GOD FOR THE CHILD OF THIS GENERATION After six years' work among children the writer is convinced that ninety per cent of our children do not have God's Word to read. Atheists, communists and others arc wise enough to concentrate their effort to children and youth. Will we, who know its value, neglect to give the Word of God to the child of this generation? If we do, in eternity we will look back to this neglect as the colossal blunder of the age. Our program is: Free distribution of Bibles and Bible portions to children. A fearless exposure of evolution and distructive criticism among youth and adults and a fulfillment of Acts 5 :42. For this work we earnestly solicit your prayers and your gifts Send $1.00 for 10 copies of our message, “ Laws of life” and distribute to youth. 25 copies $2.00. Write for information about THE CHILD SCRIPTURE GIFT FELLOWSHIP Newfield, N. Y.

shall receive his own reward according to his own labour” (1 Cor. 3:8). Many a man put in the seed who never saw the harvest, just as many another brought home ripe sheaves on which he bestowed no labor save that of the sickle. The worker for Christ, therefore, is to work in faith, expecting the divine hand to secure the result. He has abundant reason to believe that good is done of which he has no knowledge, and will have none until the great day.— Chambers. —o— March 24— “For the word of God is quick and powerful” (Heb. 4:12). We thank Thee, O our Father, for Thy precious Word! May it be the meat and drink of our souls! May we listen to it with reverence, and corroborate it with our Amens; and even though it condemns us for our sins, open our eyes to see and our ears to hear the wonderful messages of Thy love; and may we have that fund of strength which is stored by obedient and reverent faith!— F..B. Meyer. March 25— “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13 :15). From his friends Job turns to God, strong in confidence that His justice will appraise his righteousness at its true value. Still upheld by a sense of his personal up­ rightness, he does not fear to bring his case directly to God for judgment. Hith­ erto his heart has not condemned him in regard to his way; and though he is per­ plexed beyond measure at the things which have come upon him, he has never lost his firm trust in the ultimate justice of God. Indeed, it is safe to say that faith has seldom reached a higher level than in this declaration. Even if God should slay him, he would not cease to trust in Him. Faith is a deathless thing. It will not only survive even such a test, but will actually gather strength from it. And he will still maintain his ways before Him, since his faith is allied to a good con­ science. This is the secret of heartease in days when no satisfactory solution to the mystifying providences which darken life can be found otherwhere than in the sanctuary. The simple faith which, while it cannot understand God’s ways, yet clings to His nature as revealed in Christ, makes panic impossible. We may not know what He is doing with us, but we do know H im ! However perverse our circumstances may be, they cannot contra­ dict everlasting love. Nor can He rescind the promise of His gospel to lead us right home.:—/. Stuart Holden. —o—- March 26— “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Rom. 14 :12). In one of the rooms of the Tursi Pal­

5 0 0 0 T™ "™ WANTED to tell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. S en d fo r F r e e C a ta lo g a n d P r ic e L int G EO R G E W . NOBLES, P U B L IS H E R Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg., Chicago, III.

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