King's Business - 1931-03

March 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

strength of your life, by which you live and from which you live, is not in your­ self, does not flow toward you from the world, but comes to you from the living God, then every breath, every heart-throb, every pulse-beat is to you a sign from the side of God that at that very moment He maintains you, carries you by His strength, and operates in you. Your own life in you is then a witness of God’s omnipres­ ence and of God’s almightiness, and ev­ ery eveni'ng that you kneel down before Him and lose yourself in the worship of the Eternal is then to you a receiving anew of your own existence from the hand of your God.— Abraham Kuyper. — o— March 30 —"Be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God” (Lev. 20:7). How eager we are to do! And so often our wanting to do is an admission, con- .scious or unconscious, that we have failed to be. We pity the Hindu in his lifelong, weary journey from shrine to shrine; but what would we not be willing to do if by doing it we could look God in the face unashamed! The one thing that more than any other keeps men from the cross is the fact that the cross stands for man’s complete failure both to be and to do . . . “Be ye holy” rings through the Old Testament. And the whole Old Testa­ ment _story bears out the evidence that man is not holy. Therefore the cross. “My God is reconciled, I can no longer fear, With confidence I now draw nigh, And ‘Father, Abba Father’ cry.” —Anna J. Lindgren. March 31 —“Lay hold” (1 Tim. 6:12). It is impossible for faith to respond without receiving blessing. Each bless­ ing received is a fresh starting point for faithgmot a resting place for indolence, or merely a refuge for fear, but the ground from which to begin afresh a course of more earnest activity and simple trust. How many earnest squls see the fullness of the provision and are convinced of the reality of the gift, and yet make no progress! A deed is put into your hands, by which you discover that you are the rightful heir to an estate. Simply be­ lieving in the validity of the document, that it is in every way legally executed and that you are the heir, would not put you into possession. The act of taking possession must follow the knowledge of the fact that the inheritance is yours. So faith not only beholds, but also obtains promises. Here is a man who has fallen overboard. A rope is thrown out to him. He sees the effort made to save him. It fills him with hope even in the moment of his peril. The bare fact that the rope is within his reach is not without its gladdening influence—but that alone will not save him. He must lay hold. Re­ sponding to this word of command, “lay hold on eternal life,” is what we may call the appropriation of faith.— Selected. THE BOOK OF THE HEART B y M rs. E lsie J . C osier C am pbell New— O riginal— F irst book of its kind. 49c p o stp aid . A ddress DAYTON PUBLISHING COMPANY D ayton, O hio



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