King's Business - 1931-03

March 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

BUM Folding Organs Acknowledged the best

April 4— “He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth" (Rom. 9:28). We find here a principle of prophetic fulfilment that is of the greatest impor­ tance in understanding the meaning of our times^ Just as in a railway schedule the time that has been lost at passed sta­ tions is recovered by what is called ac­ celerated time, and the train gqes ahead of its schedule as it reaches the final sta­ tion, so as the end draws near we may ex­ pect things to move in the providence of God and the fulfilment of prophecy, not merely according to the time of our earth­ ly calendars and chronometers, but at an accelerated ratio according to the time standards, not of earth, but of heaven. The time of the Lord’s return will be de­ termined not merely by chronological pe­ riods but by spiritual conditions. It will be accelerated, intensified at an increas­ ing ratio as the end draws near. _That solemn word, “Behold, I come quickly,” has also been explained to mean, “Behold, I come swiftly.” It means that when He begins to come the end will soon be here, and He will not be very long upon the way. Have we not already seen many indications of this in the intensified con­ ditions of our own time, and the swift movements of the living wheels of His mighty providence on earth today? He is shortening the days, and we i n .like manner may not Only haste unto the com­ ing of the Lord, but may even hasten the coming of the Lord, and bring it nearer as we help to fulfill the conditions and remove the hindrances.— A. B. Simpson. —o— April 5— “Yield your members servants to righteousness, unto holiness” (Rom. <5:19), ' To me the word “yield” expresses the most positive action I know anything about. It calls into alertness every pow­ er, every faculty, every member of my being. It can never be passive. It can never “let down.” It never rests on the job. A victorious life is made up of momentary victories. And my momen­ tary victory is the result of my momen­ tary recognition of the lordship of Christ. That is slavery, you. say. Yes, Paul called himself the “bondslave of Jesus Christ.” If that word offends, you do well to re­ member that each moment you are not under the blessed slavery of the One who died for you, you are a slave to the one whose' aim is your eternal death. There is no middle road. So I have found that my path to victory lies in aggression rath­ er than in defense. When my mind is preoccupied with plans for the kingdom of God, it is well fortified against the attacks of the tempter.— Anna J. Lindgren. —o— April 6— “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage” (Psa. 27:14). Some of us find life hard. It is full of cares and questions, of tasks and du­ ties,. of temptations and dangers. There are thorns and briers among its roses. There are pitfalls in its sunniest paths. The Master’s cause needs help which we cannot give. If we do not know how' to pray, we never can get through the days. The privilege of prayer is always ours. The window toward heaven is always open. Any moment we can look up and

April 1— “Weeping may endure fo r -, a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psa. 30:5). Sunshine and shower—these make the drama of April. Tears and laughter— these make the-drama of life. Together they depict the complex character of hu­ man experience . . . Our life is compound­ ed of these two things, and the one is never, far aw,ay from- the other. The hymns of fhe sanctuary are the true theology of the people, and these hymns freely affirm that all our joys are touched with pain ¡ ’that shadows fall, on brightest hours; that joy-and sorrow are interwov­ en in our common lot . . . The trust that rests on favorable conditions will fail when circumstances alter. We must have some fixed and permanent basis of as­ surance; and - it is there in that April Cross and that Easter garden. There was no sorrow like His sorrow, and no joy can compare with His joy. But no ex­ tremity in His life ever disturbed His con­ fidence in the wisdom and love of God. He faced His anguish saying: “The cup that the Father hath given me, shall.' I not drink it?” He fixed His life in the will of God and became the Saviour of the world. No ultimate hurt shall befall those who do the same. For them every winter shall turn to spring. —John MacBeath. ■ — o — April 2—“As the branch cannot bear fruit o f itself, except it abide in the vine; no more, can ye, except ye abide in me” (John 15:4). The branch is in the vine—supported by the vine, drawing its supplies of nour­ ishment from the vine, dependent on the vine for its very life. The branch abides in the vine by organic, union. So, when a man abides in Christ, he is entirely and absolutely dependent upon Christ : his very life is derived from Him and main­ tained by Him. That man is living in union with Christ and is in communion with Him. He can say, in a spiritual sense : “In him we live and move and haye our being.” Christ is the source of our growth and strength and purity and fruitfulness and life itself. “Every virtue we possess, And every victory won, And every thought of holiness Are His alone.” —Life of Faith . —o— April 3—" Rooted and grounded in love” (Eph. 3:17). When Christ, by faith, comes to abide in the heart, love takes possession of the soul. The soul becomes rooted in love, like a great tree rooted down in the earth. It becomes grounded in love, like a noble building that has deep and broad and strong foundations. It is by loving oile another that others know that you are disciples of Jesus. “By this shall all mën know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” It is not because you join the church; not because you are baptized ; not because you read your Bible ; not because you pray ; not because you give of your means as liberally as you can; not.because you preach; not because you go forth as a missionary—but “by this” (and only by this) “shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have lové one tq another.” —Samuel H. Brengle'.

S P E C IA L M issionary Offer


Send for SPECIAL OFFER at reduced prices. Makes purchase easy for every church. Trial free. Collection and Bread Plates.

Pastors' Sick Room Outfits, etc. Address Thomas Communion Service Co., Box 542 Lima, Ohio TOWER CHIMES Played from keyboard, direct fro m organ console o r autom atically.. . . Price, $4375 and up...........L iterature on req u est.» .. . A ddress D epartm ent 191 D eagan Building, Chicago. j.c. D£A GAN, ine. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is b ein g done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ativ e E v an g elists a n d B ible W om en w ho are b ein g su p p o rte d fo r from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a y e ar. W rite Rev. H . A. B arto n , Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y ., fo r free lite ra tu re . SUPPORT A NATIVE Trained native workers may be supported on the mission field for from $35 to $200 a year. Nothing deducted from your gifts— 100% to the field. For full particulars write to NATIVE PREACHER CO., Inc. Box K, 325 Fairmount Rd., Ridgewood, N. J. B I f r P R O F I T S j C O Y Y o u r C m x r c r i O r g a n i z a t i o n GOTTSCHALK’S 7 METAL SPONGE REG. U S. PAT. OFF. ‘TheM odern D ish Cloth? ~W RITE FOR FULL INFORMATION— METAL SPONGE SALES C O U PO R A TIO N __¡$1 DEPT A LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS PHIDC PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGANS Special: For limited time we

will sell a 5 Octave Victor Fold­ ing Organ at price of a 4 Octave. 21 Styles, School, Chapel, Chau­ tauqua and Folding Organs. Send for catalogue and prices. A . L . W H IT E MFG. CO. Dept. K., 215 Englewood Ave. Chicago, III., U. S. A.

W e have a classified stock of over 100,000Theological Books cover­ ing allsubjectssuch asHomiletics, Church History, Philosophy, Psy­ chology, etc., etc* W rite for cata­ logue and send us your list of “ W ants.” Please mention this Paper. D 2 iX - C jJ L b S i 8 0 -8 2 FOURTH AVE. t e s DOOk M o r e wc. n e w yoRKCiiy

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