King's Business - 1931-03


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

March 1931

say, “Father !” and instantly the face of God wrll shine upon us and all will be well.— -J. R. Miller. When all things seem against us, To drive us to despair, We know one gate is open, One ear will hear our prayer. —o— April 7— ‘‘He was extolled with my tongue" ( Psa. 66:17). There were some anonymous Christian people who had gone out on a little mis­ sionary tour ; and, says John, these humble men went out “on behalf of the name”—- to do something to further it, to advan­ tage it. “He was extolled with my tongue,” says, the psalmist in a rapture of wonder that any words of his could exalt God’s name. So to Christians is committed the charge of magnifying the name of Jesus Christ. . . . We can make men think more highly of our Lord by our example of faithfulness and obedience. We can do it by our definite proclamation of His name, which is Jaid upon us all to do. The inconsistencies of the professing followers of Christ are the strongest bar­ riers to the world’s belief in the glory of His name. If you are a Christian profes­ sor, Christ is either glorified or put to shame in you, His saint; and either it is true of you that you do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus and so glorify His name, or that through you the name of Christ is “blasphemed among the na­ tions.”— Alexander Maclaren. April 8— “Perfect in Christ Jesus" (Col. 1:28). The believer painfully proves that he is imperfect in himself. Imperfection ap­ pears to be stamped upon all he feels— upon his desires, his joys, and sorrows; and upon all he does—his prayers, his praises, and all his performances. What says the sigh which escapes from his full heart? “Imperfect!” What says the groan which ascends from his troubled bosom? “Imperfect!” What says the tear which glistens in his eye or rolls down his cheek? “Imperfect!” But there is a perfection in Christ. In Him there is a perfect atonement, to reconcile u s ; a perfect righteousness, to justify us; perfect holiness, to sanptify us; perfect wisdom, to direct and instruct us. We become perfect by union with Him, for, as His bride, we have fellowship with Him, in all that He •has, by receiving from H im ; for of His fullness we receive, and grace for grace. By being with Him, we are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as. by the Spirit of the Lord. Our full perfection is decreed, promised, provided fo r; and it will be realized. Christ now represents .us as perfect; He will make us perfect, and then present us in full perfection. Delightful thought! We shall be perfectly holy and perfectly happy. With Him His members on the tree, Fulfilled the law’s demands; ’Tis “I in them, and they in me,” For thus the union stands. — Selected. —o— April 9— “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business" (Lk. 2:49)? As the divine and eternal Son of His .— O. Allen.

A n aeroplane view o f the 1 3-acre cam pus and sur­ roundings. Blanchard H a ll and | Tow er appear at left center and new Chapel Building a t the extreme left. M uch property adjacent to the cam pus proper also belongs to the College. T h e steam and electric railroads in foreground afford frequent, quick com­ m unication w ith Chicago. Y our Own Executor ? W HY not save the time and trouble of making and changing your will? Why not insure speedy and economical settlement of your estate, saving court costs and attorney fees? Why not prevent misapplication of your funds after death by investing now where you wish your bequests to go—

Why Not

own executor1 When you pass to your reward, your funds will be applied permanently to the work of scattering edu­ cated Christian young men and young women, with th e ir G ospel message, throughout the length and breadth of the earth. An attractive life annu- ity contractwithWheaton College will insureyoumuch treasure in heaven—why not invest now?

Indeed, why not be your A life annuity contract with Wheaton College is safe; does not fluctuate in value. The funds are con­ servatively and ably directed by a board of earnest and devoted Christian business andprofessionalmen ofwide experience. They are backed by the invested funds of the College as well, with a present worth of nearly two million dollars.

T h e little booklet shown above describes Wheaton*s annuity plan in detail. It m ay m ean fo r you a fixed annual income fo r life —■ write for it today.

F o r fu r th e r in fo rm a tio n a d d re ss th e office o f th e V ic e P resid e n t, W h e a to n C ollege, W h e a to n , Illin o is. D ept. KB331

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