King's Business - 1931-03


March 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

PROPHECY A n a c c u ra té S c rip tu ra l study. T ra c in g th e M essiah th ro u g h th e O ld a n d New T estam en ts. S h o u ld b e in th e han d s of ev ery Bible loving C h ristian . SENT FREE . W rite to Christian W itness to Israel, Inc. 2248 Westchester Ave., New York City The Possibility of a New Life How to Secure It and How to Guard Against Failure Evangelical Booklet. Attractive in Material and Form. Has been helpful to many. Sample copy 10 cents. DR. HOW ARD A. TALBO T 433 N. Broadway De Pere, Wis.

Father, He had already carried through many great undertakings. But this pres­ ent undertaking on which He is just en­ tering is by far the greatest and grandest business of them all. Almighty, and full of all manner of resources, as the Son of God always was, He could not attempt this present business till He was first made flesh. No, nor till He was first made sin. This new business burdened Him, and humbled Him, and straitened Him, and gave Him no rest, till it was accomplished . . . It was your sin that was His Father’s terrible business with His Son. It is my sinfulness that gives me. the right key into this text; and it is your sinfulness that enables you to un­ derstand. He might have been found holidaying' it up and down among His kinsfolk and acquaintance all that week, like, the rest, had it not been for your sinfulness and mine. But then, when that business of the Father’s and the Son’s and yours is finished, both in Him and in you, you will be able to visit all your kinsfolk and all your acquaintance in the New Jerusalem at your holy leisure, and will have time to tell them what both the Father and the Son have done for your soul.— Alexander Whyte. To many, this “sitting still” may seem like laziness, and they may naturally think that nothing can be accomplished under such conditions. But we are only to sit still because God works. Our strength is never renewed in noise and bustle. These only weaken and waste it. Try it for yourself, dear reader. Only in the “si­ lence of all flesh” can the “still small voice” be heard. A large part of the difficulty, experienced by Christians in hearing the voice of the Lord, arises, I am convinced, from the absence of this inward stillness. Our own internal clam­ or drowns His quiet speaking. We listen for His voice “in the wind” and “in the earthquake,” expecting their thunder to sound above all our own clamoring; and, because we are disappointed, we complain that He does not speak at all; when all the while, the “still small voice” of His love is waiting for the quiet in which it can be heard. I am convinced that there are many at this moment hun­ gering for the voice of the Lord, who would hear it at once if they would but “be silent before him” for a little while. All the saints of old have insisted upon stillness as a necessity of true communion with God, and have exhorted their fol­ lowers to cultivate it; and every saint of the present day knows its value, “O waiting soul, be still, be strong, And though He tarry, trust and wait; Doubt not, He will not wait too long, Fear not, He will not come too late.” ' —Mrs. Pearsall Smith. April 10—" Fear ye not, stand still” (Ex. 14:13). April 11— “Through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father” (Eph. 2:18). In our communion with God in the in­ ner chamber, we must guard against the danger of seeking to know God and Christ in the power of the intellect or the emo­ tions. The Holy Spirit has been given

for the express purpose that “by him we may have access to the Father -through the Son.” Christ taught His disciples this truth in the last night. Speaking of the coming of the Comforter, He said: “In that day ye shall ask the Father in my name; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” Hold fast the truth that the Holy Spirit was given with the one great object of teaching us to pray. He makes the fellowship and the Son a blessed reality. Be strong in the faith that He is working secretly in you. As you enter the inner chamber, give yourself wholly to His guidance as your teacher in all your intercession and adora­ tion. We must pray in the confidence that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and we must yield ourselves, in stillness of soul, definitely to His leading. Take time for this. We must believe that the “greater works” of the Spirit for the enlightening and strengthening of the spiritual life— the fullness of the Spirit—will be given in answer to prayer. We must believe that through the Spirit, in unity with all God’s children, we may ask and expect the mighty working of that Spirit on His church and people.— Andrew Murray. ' —o— April 12— “Thy foot shall not stumble” (Prov. 3:23). But how can I keep from stumbling? You cannot keep from stumbling at all; but “He is able to keep you from falling,” which in the Greek is strongly and dis­ tinctly “without stumbling.” The least confidence in or expectation from your­ self not only leads to inevitable stumbling, but is itself a grievous fall. But again we are met with the very promise we need in order to escape this snare: “For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.” Jesus Himself has said: “If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.” Walk in the light, looking unto Jesus, and so shall we be kept by the power of God through faith. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us use them. Let us turn them into prayers of faith.,V“Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my foot­ steps slip not.” “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.” “When I said, My foot slippeth, thy mercy, O Lord, held me up” —not “picked me up.” Then comes the New Testament echo: “Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” But take all the counsel of God; for this, too, is needed. “And thou stand- est by faith. Be not high-minded, but fear.” Ought we not to believe and ac­ cept and give thanks for these promises, and go on our way rejoicing, claiming His promise, not once for all, not for tomor­ row, but always for the next step of the way 1-r-Frances Ridley Havergal. —o— April 13— “They are not of the world, even as I am not o f the world” (John 17: 16). Holiness is not what we may do or be­ come in mere self-activity or self-cul­ ture, but it is the | sense of a separated quality in one who lives on a footing of intimacy and oneness with God. It sup­ poses nothing unsocial,’ withdraws no one from those living sympathies that gladden human life. On the cotitrary, it quickens all most gentle and loving affinities, and

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