Moving Lives Minnesota: Stories of Origin & Immigration (MLMN) explores the histories of the many communities who have called Minnesota home.
The 6 PBS stations across Minnesota are listening, learning, sharing stories, creating content and hosting virtual events and workshops. By learning about each other's experiences, MLMN hopes to deepen understanding, inspire empathy and build connection. What do you know about your family’s or ancestors’ history when they moved through or to Minnesota? What compelled you/them to move? What did you, your family or your ancestors rst experience when moving to or through Minnesota?
Share your story and learn more at .
Wednesdays in January TPT MN 8-10pm Original MLMN documentaries and other programs produced throughout Minnesota featuring stories of origin and immigration
Coming to Mni Sota explores conicts, contradictions and solidarity among the millions who have moved through, and to, Minnesota. For hundreds of years, the arrival of those from around the world has changed Minnesota's identity and caused disruption for those already here. By examining our state's narratives, communities reveal unique stories that lead to greater understanding. TPT MN Wednesday, January 6, 8pm
Mondays in January TPT 2 8pm Stories of origin and immigration on TPT’s weekly history series, Minnesota Experience
January 4 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to Page January 11 North Star: Making Home January 18 North Star: Making Change January 25 Hmong Pioneers: Honoring the First Wave
check for more information
KSMQ • Lakeland PBS • Pioneer PBS • Prairie Public • WDSE • WRPT • Twin Cities PBS
First graduating class, Lao Family Community, Saint Paul 1980 Minnesota Historical Society; Bohemian boy, Virginia 1914 Minnesota Historical Society
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