King's Business - 1940-08

August, 1940

T H E K IN G.’ S. B U S I N E S S


"Fear Not” Two boys were alone with their father in a compartment of a railway train. In the course of their journey, they had to pass through a long tunnel, and as there was no light in the compartment, they were plunged into total darkness The boys were afraid, and drew near to their father, placing their hahds in his. He told them it was all right and bade them not to fear. His presence and his word gave them comfort and cheer until they were through the tunnel. The Lord says to His people, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed for I am thy God” (Isa. 41:10). And again He says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear” (Heb. 13:5, 6).— From Signposts on Life’s Way, by Inglls Fleming. New K. Y. B. C. Members ARMOUR, S. Dak.: Fern DeV ries; Ger- rit and L loyd L edebeer: Gertrude Roze- boom ; A rlene and Corine Rus (A lbert Baker, pastor). BROOKLYN, N. Y .: R obert Baldessari (E. Ritchie, leader). FREDONIA, Ariz.: B illy E llis (G race M Hunt, leader). FRESNO, C alif.: Sihirley Ann Graves; W ilm a M cW illiam s (Marvin Thompson, leader). _ ' JARRETTSV ILLE , Md.: Jane G alley; Joy and M yrtle Standiford; Geneva Joan R ob ­ inson; R oberta T eel; David W arren (Mrs. W. V. St. Clair, leader). LEAKEY , Tex.: Salley M cCawley: El Canizie Treadw ell (Mrs. J. H. Treadwell, leader). LUMBERTON. N. Car.: R oosevelt H es­ ter; A rvin Phipps; Buddy and Jack Pridgen* Edward and W ilton Scoggin (R u th ' E rickson, leader). MANTECA, Calif.: Syble Spence. MULINO, Ore.: Rachel W aehlte. PIEDMONT, Calif.: B illie and Stanley Cruse: Ethel Halderman; Katharine and Joseph Larie; Isadore Lore (R uth N icol- anson, leader). SPRINGVILLE, N. Y .: W illiam W alker (F lossie E. Jessop. teacher). STOCKTON, C alif.:iJune B all; R ose May Kuchem iter; Freida P ow ers; E velyn W ag- enmann (B. Short, teacher). SUMMERS. A rk.; Glenn and Martha A rch er; Johnnie G oforth ; Mary Sue Jack- son; B etty Jo Lam ons; Bessie L angley; Beryle and Zoe Stew art; A rgie. Elmo, and Reese T abor; D oris W illis (Mrs. M. B, Anxier, teacher). VAN W ERT , O.: Izola Comer; Joanne D ake: B etsy F eigert; H arriet H all; Mar­ tha and* Thelm a Jones; Janice Ann Purdy (M. Thelma Jones, teacher). W INKLER , Man., Can.: Anton and Peter Bergm ann: Evelyn, Johnny, K atie A., L or- na, and M ille D yck; Johnny, and Tille F ehr; A rthur F roese; V iola K roeker; Tina M iller (J. E. K roeker, leader). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon reauest. When the Gospel has been read, and a statement to this bffect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs* Gospels, postpaid, five cents each— in quantity, three cents* pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to* do without a Gospel or pin because of Yack of money. Address* Junior King’s Busi­ ness, SS8 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

know what had happened to that plate, but you would know and God would know, and you’d never be happy remem­ bering that you had acted a lie. It makes me very happy to know that you love the Lord Jesus Christ that much, and I know He is very happy because you are willing to do the hard thing, for His sake. He will go with you all your life, and if you always want to do the things that please Him, you will make Him glad indeed!” * * * Fifteen minutes later, a little girl who loved the Lord Jesus Christ knelt by a white bed upstairs in Grandmother’s house, and with a happy heart prayed: “Dear Lord, I thank Thee for helping me to do the right and honest thing. I thank thee for my good Grand­ mother, and for the song that helped me to do right. Help me to remember it when I need it, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.” Memory Work Discussion: Discuss rewards that are earned in Sunday-school or in Daily Va­ cation Bible School. God has promised us rewards. His rewards are called crowns. There are five crowns men­ tioned in God’s Word. You might like to draw a picture of five crowns in your notebook and write the names on each one. Then memorize the verses. Question: How many crowns are mentioned in God’s Word as rewards for the' Christian? Answer: 1. The soul-winner’s crown— “ For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing ? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” (1 Thess. 2:19). 2. The crown of life or the mar­ tyr’s crown—“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him” (Jas. 1:12). 3. The incorruptible crown—“And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corrupt­ ible crown; but we an incorruptible” (1 Cor. 9:25). 4. The crown of righteousness— “ Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing” (2 Tim. 4:8). 5. The crown of glory — “And when the chief Shepherd shall ap­ pear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away” (1 Pet. 5:4). Question: What will be done with our crowns in the New Jerusalem? Answer: They will be cast at Jesus’ feet (Rev. 4:10).

wondered whether she still felt bad about the plate, but she said nothing. The daylight faded, and the colors of the beautiful sunset were almost gone from the sky. Grandfather and Uncle Joe had gone into the house, and Louise sat down in the porch swing beside Grandmother. “Grandmother, when I broke that plate,” she began. “Now, dearie, let’s forget about that plate. It was an accident, and I told you it is all right. You can’t put it back together again by worrying about it, so let’s think of something pleas­ ant.” Grandmother put her arm around Louise and smiled'down into her troubled eyes. . “I know. But—suppose I had just put the pieces in the garbage can and not said anything about it. Could you have told from the pile of plates that there were only five instead of six?” Then Grandmother realized the temp­ tation that Louise had faced, and into her eyes came a light of tenderness as she smiled again, and said slowly: "Perhaps not, right at first, dear, for I would have picked them all up to­ gether and put them away. I wouldn’t have counted them then of course. But the next time I used them, I would have noticed the difference, because I know how many there are, and I often use them to set the table for six people. Even then I might not think of its being broken, for one might have been put somewhere else, very easily. But if I hunted for the sixth plate and didn’t find it, then I would know something was wrong. But I don’t think you would have done that, would you, dear?” “I did think of it,” Louise confessed, “because I knew you had had those plates for such a long time, and you would be so sorry to have one broken. But—it’s almost like a lie, isn’t it, even if I didn’t say a word?” “Yes, and I am glad you have learned that a lie doesn’t have to be something said. A person can act a lie quite as surely as tell one, and much more easily. But what made you change your mind?” “Oh, I remembered a song we sing in Sunday-school: ‘Jesus is sorry whene’er we do wrong.’_ I didn’t want to make Jesus sorry. Do you know that '■ song, -Grandmother ? ” “No, I don’t kpow it, but it sounds very true. Will you sing it all "the way through for me?” So Louise sang it all, and when she had- finished, Grandmother wiped her eyes a little. "My dear child,” she said, “I hope you will always remember the truth of that song. You see, suppose you had hid the pieces of that plate and said nothing about it, the next time I used those dishes, I’d miss one, but I might never remember that the last time I used them you were here. I’d never

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