King's Business - 1940-08

August, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


BIOLAS Message to the World . . . "JESUS SAVES"


Every one knows how much easier it is to keep a car— or an institution— rolling after it gets under way than it is to START it from a dead stop. Yet our knowledge, Christian friend, is not always applied to our stewardship. The “ natural” tendency, during summer vacation months, is to allow our tithe and offering account to be neglected— and many in­ stitutions dependent upon faithful, consistent stewardship for their exist­ ence suffer to a degree which impairs their usefulness long after the summer is ended. Our past semester’s work lies behind us forever. By the grace of God, through much faith and sacrificial giving, we were enabled to graduate one of the largest classes in several years. We sent forth from Biola’s halls ninety volunteers for Christ, young men and women not only led by the Spirit, but instructed in the W o r d — Y O U R prayers were an­ swered and YOUR gifts were conscientiously used in equipping them Over a period o f three years the B IOLA “ GO FO RW A RD ” FEL ­ LOW SH IP has proved to be one of the rqost practical methods of syste­ matic giving yet devised. ;■Certificates are issued in the amount of the voluntary pledge, to which 33 numbered coupons are attached— one for each month. Only the numbered coupon need be sent in with the gift, which will be identified according to the number, and a receipt sent. The certificate is not in any sense a note or legal document, but it is a covenant of faith made solely in dependence upon God’s provision. Over $100,000 has been pledged by means of these covenants, making possible the giving of training, during the past three years, fo over 1,000 students. We are now in the midst of preparation for the fall semester. We are asking God for the opportunity of giving free training to a larger student body than last year. We need to know NOW how far we can count upon your help. W ill you take the step of faith necessary to TOIN US IN TH IS W ORK ?




The BIOLA “ Go Forward” Fellowship Fill In Coupon 33 months’ period I want to participate in the BIOLA "GO FORWARD” FELLOWSHIP. In full depend­ ence upon Him, I will endeavor for a period of ....................... (years) (months) to pay to The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, the sum of ............... ....................... dollars ($...................j payable as follows: Herewith ....... ............................ . dollars (Î...................) and (monthly) (quarterly) ...................................... dollars ($...................). Signed .......................................................... ..... ............. .............. .......... .,__ Street.......................................... City and State ...................................................... THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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