King's Business - 1940-08

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FOLÖING The LAST WORD In substan­ tial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance and purity of t'one. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L.WHITE MFG. CO.

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Training for Body, Mind and Spirit DEPARTMENTS Bible Christian Education Education & Psychology Physical Education History Biological Sciences Physical Sciences Mathematics Music English and Speech Social Science Philosophy • A faculty o f 34—spiritually alive, scholarly, dynamic • A Board of Trustees doctrinally sound, financially conservative Rev. W. W. Catherwood, D.D. Wallace Emerson, Ph.D. Chairman of Board President Mrs. Alexander II. Kerr Rev. Charles Fredman Secretary-Treasurer Field Representative Send for Descriptive Catalog 231 SO. WESTMORELAND AVE . • LOS ANGELES, CALIF. BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Will You Send Us NAMES B of five of your friends who might be interested in THE m 1 KING’S BUSINESS, that we may send them a FREE sample | I copy? gj Please send sample copies of THE K IN G ’S BUSINESS to names listed g | below. (Print or write plainly.) M B Name .............. .'............................................................................................................. jj H Address .................................................................................. ........................................ B |[ City.......................................... ............................. State.................. ........................ ■ Name ....................................................... _...................................'.................................. fi B Address ................. ............................................................ ......................................... | J City...........................................- ........................... State..... ..................................... ■ ¡j Name .......................................................p............. ;...................................................... g B Address ......................................................................................................................... , M ■ City..........................................._........................... State................. ......................,..... ■ H Name ............................................................ ................................................................. g 1 Address .............. ................................................................................... 1 I City....................................................................... State.............................................. B ¡j Name ................. ........................................................................................................... ■ m Address .................. :...................................................................................................... B I City.............................. ;........................................ State.............................................. . Sender ......................... ............................................................................................... 1 | Address ....... ................................................................................................................ j f ■ City........................................................................ State.............. .......................... THE KING'S BUSINESS j 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif. | aimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiim

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A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R S ! WANTED! • • • fo su p p ly th e g r o w in g d em a n d The Moody Bible Institute has on file many ap­ pealsfrom churches for well trained assistantpas­ tors. To meet tins need the Institute hasrevised its CHRISTIAN EDUCATION- MUSIC Gourde TIME REQUIRED: 7 terms (a little over two yoars). EXPENSE: No tuition. Moderate living expense. REQUIREMENTS: High school graduation or equivalent. This combines some of the best features of two courses—nearly the entire Christian Education Course and the music subjects of the General Course. Private music lessons are not required. The ideal curriculum for men who desire to become pastors’ assistants in charge of the edu­

cational work o f the church and to assist with the church music. Applications must be in at 1 least two weeks before open­ ing date, September 4. Six other courses are also offered -rp General, Pastors, Missionary, Christian Educa­ tion, Jewish Missions, Music.

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