T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August, 1940
READ THE KING' S BUSINESS • STUDY THE BIBLE Both are indispensable in the Christian home to help interpret world news in these eventful days.
The Scofield Reference Bible FREE
• With FOUR or EIGHT Annual Subscriptions—New or Renewal— to THE KING'S BUSINESS at $1.00 each. THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine offered FREE Perils and Perplexities of TODAY do not dis turb the Christian whose faith is grounded in the knowledge of God’s Word, and wjvpse hope is in JESUS CHRIST and in His right eousness. The SCOFIELD Reference BIBLE Offered FREE
to those sending in FOUR annual subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS at $1.00 each.' New or Renewal
for One Year to those send ing in FOUR Subscriptions at $1.00 each. Or for EIGHT S u b s c r i p t i o n s at $1.00 each you may have THE KING’S BUSINESS and the Scofield Reference BIBLE.
If you would understand world news in thé 'light of God’s prophetic Word, study the BIBLE and read THE KING’S BUSINESS. Both will open the eyes of your understanding, and your soul will possess a peace and security that only the Prince of Peace can impart. An ideal way in which to spread God’s Word in these last days! Won’t you help us by interesting your friends?
No Bible student should be without the Scolield Handy Reference Bible. Cloth-bound, readable type, printed on India paper. Size 7x4’/a inches.
A Worth-while Offer • A Worthy Work
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