T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August, 1940
MOTORED MONSTERS War front news reads like Book of Reve lation. Read in AUG. issue PROPHECY MONTHLY amazing articles about speed of modern events. Other gripping topics: False god of “ inevitable progress” : Mod ernist ’fesses up on Socialism; Quake pre dictions; Frank Robinson and his “ cruci fied gods” ; Will anti-Christ be a Jew?; Is our missionary front to collapse? Don’t think of missing this—or any—issue of this organ of the American Prophetic League, Inc. $1 year—send this ad with order and get FREE, up-to-mimite exposition of Matt. 24-25 by Dr. Keith L. Brooks, 4 mo. trial sub. 25c; 1 copy 10c. Prophecy Monthly Box BB, Sta. E.R., Los Angeles, Cal. SCRIPTURE TEXT GREETING CARDS You can earn excellent profits selling the true Christian Purpose line of Scripture Text Every- Day Greeting Cards and Christmas Cards. A peerless assortment of genuine religious greeting cards in a wide- variety of rich designs . . . ex clusively new and different. You will like these cards . . . and so will your friends. That’s why our cards sell quickly and easily . . . bringing larger earnings to our representatives. So send for complete details of our plan . . . TODAY! SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD COMPANY Box 522 Dept. 2 Philadelphia, Pa. 2 . 000.000 IEWS gathered in New York make it the largest Jewish m ission field in the world. The New York Jewish Evan gelization Society, Inc., founded in 190$ by the sainted DR THOMAS M. CHALMERS, is strivin g zealous ly to reach them. Its manifold m in istry includes the care o f H ebrew - Christian refugees from Europe. This faith w ork is dependent upon your cooperation by g ift and prayer. Subscribe fo r our monthly “ JEW - . ISH MISSIONARY . .MAGAZINE.” $1.00 per annum. Sample^copy 10c. W rite REV. FREDERICK A. ASTON, Director New York Jewish Evangelization Society !M Second Ave. New York, N. Y.
at her side looking over her shoulder at him, and His face was like that of the Son of God.—Life of Faith. The Friend We Cannot See P s a l m 139 MEMORY VERSE: ‘‘When I awake, 1 am still with thee” (Psa. 139:18). APPROACH: When we were babies, our mothers never left us alone to care for ourselves: When we were outdoors in our pen, Mother watched us from her
Soon the trumpet will sound, the angels will pull back the blue curtains of the sky, and we shall see the dear Lord Jesus face to face in all His glory, for we, shall see Him as He is. “Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty.” Object Lesson G ir d l in g t h e G lobe OBJECTS: A globe of the world, a flash-light bulb, fine wire, and dry-cell batteries. (The fine wire can be secured by taking one of the strands from an extension cord. Wrap this wire around the globe in several places and in var ious directions, terminating it at the negative pole of one of the batteries. Wrap one end of another fine wire around the screw portion of the flash light bulb, and attach the opposite end to the positive pole of the other battery. Whenever the center contact of the bulb touches the wire, which goes around the globe, the bulb will light. Cover the bat teries with white paper.) LESSON: This white package contains batteries. Under certain conditions the electricity in the batteries manifests itself. We will let the electricity remind us of God’s presence and power. This little bulb will light when I touch the globe in the United States, South Amer ica, Africa, China, Japan, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. The light suggests that God can manifest His presence and power at any place and time He desires. The Psalmist experienced this truth, and he said, “Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? . . . If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utter most parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the dark ness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me” (Psa. 139: •7-11). , When we realize that God manifests His presence and power at all times and in all places, we know that it is foolish for people to try to get away from Him. They should not attempt to run away, but, instead, should accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Saviour, and have fellowship with Him wherever they go. When one becomes a Christian, it is a joy tc know that God is in every place, and that the Christian may have His cleansing from sin and His fellow ship and protection at all times.
window. We did not see her; but she knew when we sat down or tried to walk. If we cried in the dark at night, she laid her hand on us for c o m f o r t . When we awoke we heard h e r words just behind the cur tain near our bed.
5 d i v i s io n
Although we could not see her, we cooed with joy because she was coming to take us up. LESSON STORY: God loves us more than even any good mother could love us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. We do not see Him, but He watches us from the windows of heaven and sees us in the dark as well as in the day light. When we cry, He knows the trou ble and lays His hand upon us in our dark house. “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you,” the Lord says. How wonderful that the mighty God who made heaven and earth should care for us! We do not see the Lord Jesus now, hut if we listen to His Word, we shall be happy, for He is coming soon to take us up to His beautiful home. All who belong to Him and are alive when He comes will go together with Him to heaven without dying. Ask God to look deep into your heart to find any bad things that would keep you from being ready for that glad day. God knows even your thoughts. If you ask Him, He will take away the bad things and give you thoughts that are clean and pure. Read the Bible and think about the loveliness of the Lord Jesus, and you will grow to be like Him and be ready for His coming.
Book Missionaries Wanted to Sell Mrs Charles E. Cowman’s g r e a t trio of devotional books: Streams in the Desert Consolation Springs In the Valley $1.50 each postpaid Liberal Commission ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. PUBLISHERS 900 N. Hobart Bfvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
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