T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August, 1940
He can give you blessings more than you can ask or think. If the Lord Jesus is your own Saviour and you love Him, you will belong to the dear heav enly Father. The gift of your love will please Him. When I was a little girl I hated to make beds and dust my room, so Mother taught me to sing, “Do it heartily as unto the Lord,” For love of the Lord Jesus, my' work became a joy, as I did it from my heart, as a gift to Him. There are many “unbirthday pres ents” that you ‘ can give. If Daddy comes home warm and tired, you can get him a glass of cool water with a smile. What fun to surprise Mother by washing dishes or to make the crying baby laugh! You can ask Mother to let you take food to that hungry family. Kindness to others for love of the Lord Jesus, He says, is the same as if we did it unto Him. But even if we give all our money to feed the poor, and have no love for the Lord Jesus, it is of no account. God the Father so loved that He gave us His best gift by sending His Son into this world to be our Saviour. Because of His great love for you, will you just now give Him the gift of yourself by telling Him you love Him? OBJECTS: A one-dollar bill and a piece of paper the same size on which a poem is written. (Lightly paste the poem on the back of the currency.) LESSON: What is this I am holding in my hand? “A dollar bill.” It is a certificate for which the Treas ury of thé United States will exchange one silver dollar when it is demanded. It is a promise on the part of the United States Government. I doubt that you have ever seen a dollar just like this one. On the back of it I read, “This piece of paper in your hand Declares to you that on demand, You one dollar shall receive; This simple promise you believe. It puts your mind as much at rest As if the silver you possessed. “ So Christ that died, but now doth . live, Doth unto you this promise give: Object Lesson F a l l in g or F l o u r is h in g
row may be worth little or nothing, but a human soul saved will be treasure in heaven for all eternity. This, after all, is the only kind of riches that will not pass away. Of course, there are some people who do not believe this •exactly. They think “that a soul truly won to Christ, and bom of God, may later be eternally lost. Thus they would make the heavenly treasure as uncertain as earthly treasure. But they are mis taken. We should be thankful for the clear word ,of the Lord Himself on this point: “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain” (John 15:16). Thus the Son of God has guaranteed the abiding and eternal value of souls won for Him. What a motive for efforts to win the lost! Golden Text Illustration M a t t h e w 6:20 Some things cost more than they are worth. Mercury had given to Phrixus a ram with a golden fleece, that he might escape on it from the dangers that threatened him in his own country. He came to Colchis and there sacrificed the ram to Jupiter and made a gift of its fleece to Acetus, the king. But to keep this gift, Acetus was at tremen dous pains, for it was greatly coveted, and must be guarded night aiyl day by a faithful dragon. And when finally Jason secured it, in his effort to retake it, the king lost his son and heir as well as his daughter Medea, who fled with Jason. It is true that many of the earthly treasures that come as gifts cost us more than they are yvorth. He was a wise pastor who arose in his pulpit one morning and asked the pray ers of the congregation for a young man who had just fallen heir to a large for tune.—George MacAdams. MEMORY VERSE: “And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matt. 25:40). APPROACH: We can bring gifts to God, but first we owe Him one-tenth of The Gifts We Bring L u k e 16:1-13
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Christmas Greetings — New, at tractive, with worthwhile senti ments, many with Bible Texts,— In great variety of artistic Set tings; — the type of Greeting Christian people are looking for.
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Every Day Greetings,—comforting, encouraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing, Birthday, etc.—-many with Bible Texts. Cards that are different—not found in stores— Boxed and Unboxed—good profit, no investment necessary. "Write early for free Catalog and attractive Sales Plans. PEASE GREETING CARDS, Inc. 264 Laurel Street Dept. K Bulfalo, N. Y. That if in Him you will believe, You shall eternal life receive.” [Taken from THE KING’S BUSI NESS, November, 1927, and adapted.] Many great transactions are made every day in which currency is used, because people have confidence in the government’s promise. Often these same people have difficulty in trusting the promises of God. He has promised them eternal life in Christ, but they are slow to accept His promises and to act upon them. People are trying to get more and more money, thinking that they can trust their riches. In Proverbs 11:28, we read, “He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.” It is far better to trust in God and flourish, than to trust in riches and fall.
our income. For in stance, fifty cents a month was the in come of a little boy named Tommy; so he owed. God five cents a month. Be fore buying candy, he paid that five cents to God, put ting it in the 'Sun
day-school collection. LESSON STORY: God is rich, own ing the cattle on a thousand hills and all the gold and silver, but He needs you. He wants you to be His child, so
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