King's Business - 1940-08

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


August, IMO

MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT FOR CHRIST Prepare for Active Christian Service at BIOL Registration September 9 and 10 1940

They Are Going

They Are Coming’

I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S Conceived in prayer . . . founded by faith . . . and continued through sacrifice, Biola enters its thirty-third year as an Institute which has been instrumental in molding the character of many young people according to the Word of God, and in preparing them.for definite Christian service. Through its faithful, consecrated faculty, Biola will continue to serve those who are led to its fellowship, by: NS T RUC T I ON in the Infal l ibl e Word DAY SCHOOL Three-year courses General Christian Education Music Four-year courses Bible Collegiate (degree) Christian Education (degree) Music Collegiate (degree) Missionary EVENING SCHOOL Three nights a week. Registration opens September 12. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL— 19 courses—Begin any time. PPORTUNI T I ES for Def ini te Serv i ce FOR THE PRESENT Teaching S.S, classes Child Evangelism Personal Work Preaching Pastoral Work Missions Music FOR THE FUTURE Home Field Pastoral Work Lay Work Foreign Field

Choir Directing Ensembles

Pioneering Evangelism

Hospital Visitation Tract Distribution

IFTINC to Higher Ground Spiritually through Mentally through Fellowship Meditation Devotions Study LL Young Men andWomen who have been led of God to make their lives count for Christ in any form of Christian service are invited to send for further information.

Office of the Registrar The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St. • Los Angeles, Calif. I am interested in Biola. Please send me litera­ ture on the courses checked below: |~[ Day School (Catalogue) |—| Evening School (Prospectus) □ Correspondence School (Prospectus) Name.................................... .................... .—....... ......... .. Address....____ ____________ __________ ....------- City........................................ ....___State--------------- -


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