T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August, 1940
ities that they would'require in selecting a “friend.” 3. Use the text verse to ihapress the group that the safeguard in selecting a “friend” is in having made the “friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24), the Friend of Sinners, their personal Friend and Lord. SEPTEMBER 15, 1940 YOUTH A-COURTING P ro verbs 3:1-7 Introduction M a r r i a g e presupposes courtship. Courtship in our country is far different from that of the Orient. We value the freedom and customs of American courtship and would not exchange for the parental bargaining and veiled "sight unseen” engagements of the East. Yet liberty has often become li cense, and frequently marriage relation- “ship.s” have been wrecked in the “Bay of Courtship” before the “sea of mat rimony” has ever been reached. In many cases, it would have been better if pa rental advice (and the will of God) had been sought and welcomed. The matter of courtship, though little discussed, is very vital. Young people who are contemplating this critical step are wondering whether the one of their choice is the one of God’s choice, wheth er he or she is suited and suitable, how intimate they may become before mar riage, and how they may protect them selves from giving their affection to the wrong person. Common sense and the experiences of others will help us answer these ques tions. But a personal relationship td the Lord Jesus and the authority of the Word of God are the only sure, safe, and final guides of conduct. For Those Who Have Topics I. Remember that God is the best matchmaker. 1. One need not batter down walls if God is leading the way. Over eagerness leads to unhappiness. 2. -He will give you spiritual dis cernment to ascertain whether the one of your choice is the one of His choice, as you answer these vital questions:
a. Is he a Christian? (2 Cor. 6: 16; Amos 3:3). b. Do I really love him for him self, apart from wealth or fame or social ambitions? Illus.: The story is told of a young woman who was so completely in love that when her absent lover’s proposal ar rived by letter, she rushed to the telegraph office and in quired how many words she was allowed. When told she had ten, she .seized a tele graph blank and wrote, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes—yes!” c. Will he support me? d. Is he clean ? Etc. e. Could I trust him to become the head of my home? (See Eph. 5:22.) f. Would I want him for my life companion? g. Would I want him as the fa ther of my children? 3. Is it to be a match for life? a. Note Romans 7:2. b. If you are sometimes bored by his presence now, remember that “life” is a long time. c. As marriage is the cornerstone of the home, courtship is the foundation beneath it. II. Remember that "your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). 1. This will guard against any un seemly display, or any violation of your “temple.” 2. This will make your courtship days to be ■days of prayer—for one another (1 Sam. 12:23); with one another (Matt. 18:20). 3. This will prevent one from mak ing herself too cheap. 4. This will insure the presence of the Lord Jesus at the wedding ceremony—and afterward. a. He was present at the wed ding in Cana of Galilee be cause He was Invited (John 2 : 2 ). b. He is absent from many mod ern weddings because unin vited. For the Leader If time allows, invite your pastor to make a few comments on this very vital subject. His observations and the ex perience of his ministry would be worth sharing. SEPTEMBER 22, 1940 WHEN YOUNG PEOPLE MARRY E phesians 5:22, 23 Introduction Young people should marry. America is learning that the past decade of “companionate marriage” has not one
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