King's Business - 1940-08

August, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


good thing to its credit. “Trial” marri­ age is deplorable from a physiological and moral standpoint, and it is not pos­ sible in the light of' the Word of God. The young man and young woman who view every aspect of their relation­ ship from a spiritual standpoint are a happy couple. They need have no fear of the divorce court, nor need they fear anything else. Two factors are revealed in this Scripture passage, which, if con­ sidered, will bring lasting happiness “when young people marry.” For Those Who Have Topics I. “When young people marry,” they should recognize the God-ordained relationship between the husband and the wife (vs. 22-30). 1. The wife is to “ submit” to her husband (v. 22 ). a. This is a word which implies intimate relationship. Note the words “your own.” The body is never degraded by submitting to its own head. It honors itself, in doing so. b. It is not a matter of inferior­ ity, but of position. There cannot be two heads. c. Does the wife feel this is se­ vere? Then note the demands on the husband. No wife need fear submission to a husband who loves her. 2. The husband is to “love” the wife (v. 25). a. Some one has said that love begins at a railway station and ends at the church. Thank God it is not always so. b. The writer cherishes the mem­ ory of two different married men who manifested the same respect and courtesy and love for their wives that they did before their marriage. Do you know such? c. It is sad that many men save t h e i r considerations and thoughtfulness to use only outside the home. 3. The comparison (v. 25). “As Christ loved the church”— such love knows no bounds. 4. The illustration, “one flesh” (vs. 30, 31). As Eve, the first bride, came into being when Adam's side was opened in the garden, so the bride of Christ was “born” from the pierced side of the Second Adam, on Calvary. H. “When young people marry,” they must recognize that the marriage relationship is a divine and perma­ nent institution (vs. 31-33). 1. Marriage is an intimate, sacred, indissoluble union (v. 31). The great flaw in the wedding

link is revealed when a man and woman attempt to be “one” to­ ward each other, •when they are “two” toward God (cf. Gen. 2:24). Illus.: In man’s sight, it may be\ that only a church aisle separates ' them; but in the sight of God, there is an impassible gulf. 2, A relationship which mirrors forth the mystery of Christ and the church must not be held lightly (v. 32). For the Leader Invite the young married people into this meeting, and give them opportunity to testify to the importance of the liv­ ing Lord in home relationships.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1940 THE CH R IST IAN H OM E * E p h e s ia n s 4:1-7 Introduction

The revolt against the institution of marriage and its sacredness has taken away much of the meaning of the home and its sanctity. Rose Wilder Lane, in the Ladies’ Home Journal, declares her belief that the women are greatly to be blamed for this tragic breakdown: In their 'cru­ sade to establish themselves on a basis of business equality with men, they have lost more than they have gained. She says that the young woman seek- *Suggested C. E. topic: " Christians Are D if­ ferent .” A BIBLE INSTITUTE /ill IN ¿jk YOUR


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