August, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
sponse was, “I’m never going to get married; I’ve lived with mar ried people too long.” 2. Between the parents and chil dren (Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21). „ a. The child has a right to see the spirit of a living Christ in a home which is professedly S Christian (Psa. 101:2). Illus.: The story is told of a father whose little boy asked him what a Christian was. The father, a professing Christian himself, undertook to describe a Christian. After a few moments of thoughtful silence, the lad asked: “Dad, have I ever seen one?” You may well imagine it was a stab which that father never forgot. b. The child has a right to ex pect to receive heavenly man na for his soul in the same place where he finds food for his body—at home! The result would be worth while (Prov. 22 : 6 ). For the Leader
lowing illustration: A Chris tian farmer always ended his morning prayers with the above words from Joshua. One son, Henry, was not saved and had begun to live a wayward life. One morning the father ended his prayer, with a sob in his voice, “As for me and my house (except Henry), we will serve the Lord.” For the first time, Henry realized his dad’s concern for him; and be fore the day was ended, he came to his father saying: “Dad, you won’t have ■to put that in your prayers again. I’m going to take Christ!”
ing a career is • like the prodigal son leaving home to eat husks, and adds, “Your business' is to be a woman! Your career is to make a good marriage, to spend the days and years of your life and all the resources of your mind and spirit in deepening and enriching and making fruitful in life values the union of feminine and masculine that is mar riage!” Marriage results in the creation of a family, which is the first unit of so ciety. The place where this group dwells is called a “home.” “Home” is one of those . words which, with “mother” .and “heaven,” constitute the most beautiful o f the English language. Put into this home an acknowledg ment of and a trust in the Son of God, and we have a Christian home. Any thing short of this, no matter how fine, comes short of God’s ideal. It was His plan that the human family should have Christ at its center. For Those Who Hai-e Topics I. A Christian home has Jesus Christ at the head of it. 1. Husband and wife should sol- - emnly covenant to recognize the living Lord as the Head of their household. a. Note Joshua 25:14, 15: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Keith L. Brooks gives the fol
This covenant will mean a Christian fireside. A Christian fireside embraces a family al tar, the open Bible, the giving of thanks at every meal, clean, noncritical conversa tion, active participation in Christian activities, careful speech, etc. (cf. 2 Tim. 3:14, 15), n . A Christian home will be a place of Christian relationships. 1. Between the husband and wife (Eph. 5:22-25). Ulus.: A seven-year-old boy at- . tending a wedding was asked what kind of wedding he intend- - ed to have. His startling re A most remarkable book which should be read not only by every Christian, but also by all who are troubled and perplexed by the present world outlook. • THE MAN WHO COULD NOT SIN • C 4 A A Watts............... ...........* 1 ‘ V v B IOGRAPHY An American Doctor at Work In India Sir William J. Wanless............. $1.50 • JAMES H. McCONKEY Louise H. McCraw........................$1,00 Newman
Make this a ‘family night” in your young people’s group. Give recognition to largest family. Give an exemplary Christian father and mother an oppor tunity to bear testimony to the result of putting Christ first in the home. BOOKS TO READ NOW! FICTION STOKE OF BR IER HILL Zenobia Bird-...... .... ¿................ $1.00 A Coming Classic on PRAYER O . H aldesby , P h . D.
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SHAFTED SUNLIGHT The Latest Book By Paul Hutchens ............................ $1.00 RAINBOWS A most recent book by Edith M. Beyerle ........................ $1.00 • WE KILLED A BEAR ! For boys this is thrilling. Paul Hutchens..............................$ .50 • AFTER THE IR OWN PLEASURE E dith S. P edersen A story for young folks Which is dis tinct from much of today’s output, portraying as it does, young people as they actually are. One is sure to see the difference between being a Christian and just belonging to church activities .......................... $ 1.00
What is the Kingdom ? What is the Church?
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When and how Will Christ Return. Fred G. Wame ................. .......... $1.00 C alifornia custom ers add 3% sales tax
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