August, 1940
feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded” (John 13:5). He went from one to another, wash ing their feet and wiping them with a towel. He wiped away all the evidence of His own blessed work. He cleansed them, made them clean, and dried them go tenderly that nobody could say, “I see you have just had a washing, and you needed it pretty badly.” He used the towel and wiped all the traces of His awn work away, leaving them clean and undefiled.—Harry A. Ironside. Look Up! “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Lk. 21:28). Earth’s night grows darker; nation hateth nation: Distrust, suspicion, fear hang o’er each land: There looms ahead a coming visitation, More awful than the wisest under stand. But, Christians, ere doth burst that con flagration, The Lord from heaven may catch His church away, From every land, from every rank aqd station: Look up! look up! for He may come today. ■—J. Danson Smith. The Work or the Worker? “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). Our peace ought not to rest simply on the work, but on the Worker, not only on the finished work of Christ, but on Christ Himself. . . . We too often think of what He has done, without con necting it with Himself; and by dwell ing too much on truth and doctrine, our souls get barren, for the soul must feed upon Christ as its portion—who He is, as well as what He has wrought. —H. W. Soltau. Our Fellowship “Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). Give the mind rest. Give the ear quiet. Give the tongue silence. Give the heart meditation. Give the soul com munion with God. Look 1 up—there are blessings waiting for you. Listen— God speaks in His still, small voice. Ask —God waits to hear. See that your soul is at peace with God. See that no trace of sin hides from your sight the heavenly Father’s face.—Ellin Evangel. 24. Strength and Courage “But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Sam. 30:6)’. 21. 22. 23.
The evident lack and the definite need of scholarly, up-to-date, popular trea tises on the essentials of the Faith and the belief that there were Christian leaders amply qualified to adequately meet the need recently prompted the AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY to an nounce a Prize Book Contest with $1750 in prizes. The response was em inently satisfactory. From the 116 manuscripts submitted 13 were selected for publication. The following list of authors and sub jects makes comment unnecessary: First Prize: THE GLORY OF THE MANGER By. Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer, D.D. Second Prize: CHRISTIAN FAITH AND THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE By Rev. Clarence E. Macartney, D.D. Third Prize: THE HOLY SPIRIT By Prof. Wick Broomall, Th.M. KNOW THE TRUTH By Rev. Joseph A. Cottam, Ph.D. THE WAY OF PEACE By Rev. Harry A. Ironside, Litt.D. BUILDING THE CHURCH By Rev. Mark A. Matthews, D.D. THE ART OF PRAYER By Rev. William Bruce Walker NATURE’S REVELATION OF GOD AND THE BIBLEf SUPPLEMENT By Thomas H. Nelson, LL.D. WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY? - By Rev. William Hallock Johnson, D.D. THE INCOMPARABLE BOOK By Mr. Newman Watts, a London Journalist THE RICHES OF HIS GRACE By Rev. John Schmidt THE WORD OF THE CROSS By Mr. O. H. King SINNERS YET SAINTS By Rev. Wm. H. Rogers, D.D. Price $1.50 each, postpaid. ANNUITIES PAYING UP TO 8% The Society issues high-grade annuity agreements paying up to 8 %. Annuities promptly and fully paid. Annuity funds segregated from other investments. A sure and generous income for life. The Society’s annuitants are loyal and stal wart friends. The Society requires increased income to meet its constantly expanding activi ties. Churches, individuals, legacies and annuities maintain this important work. Pray’for this work. Q Books Order your books from your bookseller or from AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY 21 West 46th Street, New York, M. Y. Check the Information desired. _ _ K. B. [_) Tracts Q Annuities
revival is costly. No man can look at his New Testament without seeing that the secret o f Pentecost is the blood of Jesus Christ. One cannot understand the outpouring of the Holy Ghost until he sees the costly outpouring of the blood.—T. M. Barnber. The Weaning Process “Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: ,my soul is even as a weaned child” (Psa. 131:2). The weaning process is not accom plished; we are still hankering after the comforts which the Lord intends us forever to outgrow. Abraham made a great feast when his son Isaac was weaned; and peradventure, our heavenly Father will do the same with us. Lie down, proud heart! Quit thine idols! . . . And the promised peace will come unto thee.—Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Perfection “Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, want ing nothing” (Jas. 1:4). The disputes which have filled the church upon the doctrine of perfection seem to me to have been pitiable. They reveal the narrowest conception of hu man character. God’s idea of perfec tion is not mere conformity to rule and law, but, with this, development into a state far beyond anything known among men. Perfection is ripeness; but time is not a summer long enough to ripen thé soul. Heaven is the soul’s summer. —Henry Ward Beecher. 18. 19.
Wiping the Disciples’ Feet “He . . . began to wash the disciples’
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